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Maxine's POV

I am sure that I would be ignoring her as much as I can but guess what!?? Here I am, having some burger and fries with Celine. I face palm mentally. But how could I resist her!?? I don't want to see her being sad. I don't want to see her begging. I just can't do that. All I wanted to see was how her eyes lit up every time she discovered something. How loud she talked when the topic was interesting. How her laughter filled the room when she spat her humorous remarks.

"How's your weekend?" she asked happily munching her fries. She is soooo pretty whatever she is doing. Anyone could be pretty but Celine was just so breathtaking even at simplest thing she do.

I put a gravy on my fries and start eating too, and it taste soooo good. "Fine. We just celebrated someone's birthday" I replied shrugging that's when I see you with your boyfriend, I said mentally "How about you?"

"Oh. My weekend was good." I scoff, of course it was. "It's nice to have a free weekend, you know without school stuffs to do"

"yeah right. But this week we'll be loaded" referring to our report

"I know" she pouted "but we're already on the last part, we can do it before the deadline" she ate her burger and some sauce remained on her beautiful face. I smiled at how a messy eater she is. "Will you go at my place tomorrow?" she asked oblivious to her current state, I can't help myself from giggling.

"What?" she asked, her brows meet and she pouted which cause me to giggle more. Oh my.. How can this girl be so adorable?

"You're cute.. You have some .. sauce on your face" I said between laughter and pointed something on her face

Her eyes widened and she immediately get some napkin and wipe her face causing the sauce to scatter more. I laugh too hard at what she did. I instinctively snatch her napkin and wipe the remnants of the sauce on her lower lip.

My fingers touch her lips and a bolt of electricity and warmth touched every cell in my body within a split second. I pulled my fingers away as if she was on fire.

"All done" I said as I crumpled the napkin and set it aside

She blushed a deep red and mumbled a thank you. "I'm such a messy eater" she said

"Yes, you are." I truthfully head and smile at her "But it's cute"

She was about to say something when her phone rang, she answered it instantly without looking who the caller was. She excused herself and I just nod.

"What's up?" Celine asked probably knowing who the caller was. I cannot hear clearly what the person on the other line was saying and I try not to eavesdrop but this talent of mine really gave me sorrows.

"I'm at your apartment, what time will you go home??" a not-so-manly voice speak, I think she's talking to the guy I saw with her last time. I immediately lost my appetite hearing the guy was at her apartment. Does she let anyone in there?? How does that guy have a key to her apartment!? Because he's her boyfriend. I know..I know. But that doesn't make sense.

I looked up at Celine as she was saying goodbye to that GUY! "I'll be there in a few. Talk to you later." She said as she hangs up. "I guess we should go then?" I asked her

"I'm sorry Max, as much as I want to spend..i to you, there's some rat on my apartment and I should get rid of him as soon as I could" she said jokingly

We were outside McDonalds and we're welcomed by the busy night life in the city.

"See you tomorrow, Max." she said as she was attempting to cross the street

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