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I was on Celine's front door already and I got so nervous, I hesitantly knocked and was opened by Celine, "can we start? it's getting late" she deadpanned. She seemed to be in a bad mood, how can I tell her how I feel?

I just nodded and proceeded to her study table. I was quiet the whole time thinking how will I start talking to her, she seemed in deep thoughts too. We started doing our reports silently.

After what felt like eternity, she got up and said "done!" I checked the report one last time and it was ready.

"Uh..m--" just when I was about to say something, a loud roar was heard and Celine automatically jumped on my side, I then grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"I..uh.." she shivered, another loud thunder came and the pouring of raid could only be heard. "you're afraid of thunders?" I said holding my laughter

"No!" she instantly pulled off of me and I suddenly miss her warmth. Then again, another thunder sound came and she came back hugging me. She is taller than me giving us this awkward position where my face was on her neck, I can smell her scent, a not too sweet vanilla scent.

"Not afraid huh" I mumbled and began laughing

"shut up, dork" she said and walked away going to her kitchen, I followed her and see her getting something on the kitchen cabinet, what a nice ass! "Carbonara or spaghetti?" she asked preparing the ingredients, I glanced at my clock and noticed it was 9 pm already.

She noticed I haven't replied yet and she added, "Have dinner with me, with this weather it'll probably take some time to stop the rain, I heard there's a storm coming"

I was having a battle within myself whether to tell her now or not. It's not the perfect time. But guess I'll just show her that I really like her.

"Can I stay over?.. I can be your pillow whenever you're afraid of thunders " I asked, she quickly turn to face me and smiled widely

"Sure! So..." she said and motioned to the pan. "Spaghetti, please"

"Okay, just make yourself at home Max. I'll be done in a few minutes."

I go back at her living room, I smiled at the thought of her cooking something for me. I decided to put on a movie and rummaged her cabinets for DVDs after half an hour, I decided to played Pitch Perfect 2.

The movie was playing when she arrived at the living room giving me a plate full of spaghetti, my mouth suddenly watered at the sight. She again got up and pour some apply juice on the glass for the both of us then she sat once again and said "Pitch perfect, I so love this movie" while putting a fork with the spaghetti on her lip which make her so sexy.

"Me too, I've watched it a dozen times already but I still liked it" I started to eat and her dish was sooo good.

"Yeah, the vocals are good and it played many songs I love to hear"

"Ugh. I'm not a singer to know it" I deadpanned

She just giggled and said "you don't have to be a singer to know that Max. Plus, Anna Kendrick is so hot"

"All of them!! Did you know.."


"shut up. What I am saying is that, Beca there seemed to be bisexual or what, looked at the scen5e where they met the Das Sound Machine, that's soooo gay" I squealed


"Yes! And I'd love to pair her up with Chloe. You know, I'm a Bechloe fan!!" i giggled again while putting a spoonful of spaghetti on my mouth.

My Heart Hurt So Good (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now