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Amie's heart was beating fast, her head hurt, and her eyes were slightly out of focus. What just happened? She knew she had just had woken up from her first vision in over a year, but why? Professor Dumbledore had said she'd lost her Sight. She hadn't had a vision since the moment she looked into a Basilisk's eyes and survived. And that was more than a year ago.

Shaking her head to get her thoughts back to the subject at hand, Amie tried to remember what the vision had been about. She had always been able to remember her visions -- everything in them -- but now it was all so confusing instead of clear. Even though her visions never really showed much, she'd always remembered everything, but not this time. Amie knew that Voldemort and Wormtail had been talking about a plan, and the plan had to wait until after the World Cup. Voldemort had said he 'had to use Harry'. What for? Amie wondered. Why did Voldemort need Harry, when Wormtail said anyone else would suffice? This couldn't be about killing Harry, if anyone else would work?

Voldemort and Wormtail had mentioned a woman Voldemort murdered, but Amie couldn't remember her name. Growing annoyed, and her heart finally slowing down, Amie threw her covers off her, and sat down at her desk. She looked around her plain room -- her comfy bed with a flower-printed duvet, her bookshelf full of both Muggle and wizard books, her wooden closet in the corner. Amie put her head in her hands and thought. A letter, maybe two? And a drawing to show Dumbledore. But what could she draw? Amie took a piece of paper from one of her drawers, and a pen from her pencil-case, and then she thought -- what did she remember most clearly? A flash of the room flew through her mind. Of course! If there was something she could picture clearly, it was what the room looked like. Although it was kind of dark in there, and there wasn't a lot of furniture either.

She started sketching, and quickly realised that the picture wouldn't be of much help. All you could see was the fireplace, the armchair and the snake, Nagini. Amie hoped that Dumbledore would appreciate the effort, at least. When Amie was done, she put the drawing aside and got started on the letters. She began with Dumbledore's.

Dear Professor Dumbledore
This morning, I woke up from a vision.
Seems like I didn't lose my Sight in the Basilisk attack after all.
I am writing to you because I would like you to know what the vision was about.
I can't remember too clearly, but there was Voldemort, and Wormtail, in an abandoned house.
An old Muggle man stood and listened outside of the door, and they were talking about a plan of theirs, a plan revolving Harry. Wormtail said that it could be done without him, but Voldemort insisted they use him. They also mentioned someone Voldemort had killed, a woman, but I can't remember her name. The vision ended when Voldemort's pet snake appeared and told him that there was a Muggle outside of the door. Voldemort killed him. That's all I can remember -- no, there's one more thing. Voldemort is very weak, Wormtail has to feed him and care for him. He's small, so small that he can't walk on his own, I reckon.
I am sending along a drawing I made -- it's not great, but I hope it helps somehow.
See you in September!
Best regards,

Amie Jones

Amie didn't know if her letter was appropriate, but the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, was an extraordinary man and wizard. He was clever and kind, so Amie knew he wouldn't be angry with her for writing to him during summer. He always had listened to her when she'd had a vision, and with this beeing an important one, she was sure he'd be glad to know about it.

Since it was really early in the morning, Amie tried to be as quiet as she could as she tip-toed to her parents bedroom door. They kept their owl, Chip, in an open cage just next to it. Chip, a beautiful chestnut-colored owl, was asleep on his perch. Amie put her fingers by his neck and stroked him gently. Chip opened his clever eyes, and didn't make a sound.
"Clever boy," Amie cooed. "I need you to make a delivery for me. Take this to Albus Dumbledore, the window in my room is open."
Amie tied her letter to Chip's leg, and he took off.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now