The days leading up to...

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"D'youwanttogototheYuleBallwithme?" George's words came out in a jumbled mess, and although it was hard, Amie heard and understood what he said. Then her mind went blank.

"Oh," was all she managed to say, as she stood there looking stupid with her mouth wide open and her eyes big in surprise.

"Say something. Please," George pleaded, looking more nervous than ever.

"I didn't know you still felt that way about me," Amie said in awe.

"Well... I did. I do," George admitted. "So will you go with me?"

Amie thought about it, closing her mouth and frowning. Did she like George? Of course she liked him, he was one of her best friends. He always made her laugh, he made her feel better when she was sad, he comforted her every time she and Draco had a problem, even though it was now apparent he had feelings for her all along. He was nice, he was good looking, he was caring, he was in Gryffindor unlike Draco, and he was -

"What d'you think Ron'll say about it? You're his brother, and I'm one of his closest friends!" Amie said suddenly. Out of all the things George was expecting, it probably wasn't that. His mouth formed a comical 'O' before he burst out laughing.

"That's what you're worried about, Amie? What my younger brother will have to say about it?"

"Well... yeah," Amie frowned.

"So if Ron's fine with it, you'll go with me? And if he's not fine, you won't go with me?"

"Now that you put it that way, I see why you were laughing," Amie grinned. "Okay, I'll go with you. But don't have any expectations, though, I might not share you're feelings, I haven't really thought of you that way until now."

"That's okay. We can go as friends if you want, and then we'll go from there. That okay?" George smiled kindly.

"Thanks, that'd be great," Amie smiled back. "Now, you'd better find your brother, I'll head back to the common room."

"Okay," George grinned. "Good night, Ames,"

"G'night Georgie," Amie teased, turning her back on a still smiling red-haired twin.


When Amie got back to the common room her three friends were still up.

"Did you find out who they're sending that letter to?" was the first question she got, asked by Ron.

"No," Amie chuckled. Ron was so predictable!

"What happened?" Hermione asked, seeing that Amie was different.

Amie took a few moments of silence, looking around at her friends, before breaking the news.

"George is taking me to the ball!" she announced.

Silence. For about a second, then there was an uproar.




"Did he ask you?"

"You said yes!?"

"Do you like him?"

Out of all the questions asked, Amie sat quietly, waiting for them to finish. When they fell into silence once more, Amie spoke up.

"He asked me just now, yes I said I'd go with him, but it's more like going as friends than anything, because I don't know if I like him yet."

"Understandable," Hermione said logically. "Not too long ago you were with Malfoy, and your breakup really shook you up,"

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now