Back at Hogwarts

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Through the gates and up the path that led to the front doors they went. It was blowing up to a storm, and in the carriage window Amie saw a lightning flash across the sky. The carriages in front of them were emptying quickly as the students ran up the stone steps. Amie and the others jumped from their own carriage and hurried inside, only looking up when they'd made it into the Entrance hall.

"You okay, Chrystal?" Amie said quietly to her cat in the crate. Usually students left their pets in the carriages to be taken in later, but Amie didn't want to leave her there. Chrystal looked like a drowned rat, and the look she gave Amie was one of great sadness. Amie grinned at her cat before looking up.

"Blimey," said Ron, shaking his hair, spraying water everywhere. "if that keeps up the lake's going to overflow. I'm soak - ARRGH!"

A big water-balloon had fell from the ceiling onto Ron's head and exploded. Ron fell into Harry just a second balloon fell, nearly hitting Hermione. The students around them shrieked, pushing each other to get away from there. Looking up, Amie saw Peeves, the school Poltergeist, taking aim with another balloon.

"PEEVES!" yelled an angry voice. "Peeves, come down here at ONCE!"

It was Professor McGonagall, Transfigurations teacher, Head of Gryffindor house and Deputy Headmistress. She had come hurrying from the Great Hall after hearing the student's shrieks. Now she slipped on the wet floor and had to grab on to Hermione's throat to keep herself from falling.

"Ouch - sorry, Miss Granger -"

"That's all right, Professor!" Hermione gasped, rubbing her neck.

"Peeves, get down here NOW!" McGonagall glared at Peeves, straightening her pointed hat.

"Not doing nothing!" Peeves laughed, throwing a balloon at a group of fifth year girls who screamed and almost flew into the Great Hall. "Already wet, aren't they? Little squirts! Wheeeeeeeeee!" he aimed another balloon at a group of second years who had just walked in.

"I shall call the headmaster!" McGonagall warned. "I'm warning you, Peeves -"

Peeves put his tongue out at McGonagall, threw one more water bomb in the air, and zoomed up the staircase, laughing all the while.

"Well, move along, then!" said McGonagall to the crowd. "Into the Great Hall, come on!"

Amie let Chrystal out of her crate so she could explore the castle before hiding the crate in a broom cupboard. Since everyone had already entered the Great Hall, Amie walked in by herself, hurrying so the students wouldn't have time to stare too much. Sitting down at the Gryffindor table next to Hermione, Amie let her breath out. Amie wasn't afraid of people looking at her, but it did make her feel uncomfortable if people watched her when she was alone. Harry was busy with emptying his shoes of water when Amie sat down, and Amie laughed at the expression on his face.

"Hiya Harry!" came a call from down the table just as Harry was finished. Amie looked up, and saw that Colin Creevey, Harry's biggest fan, was the one who had shouted.

"Hi, Colin," said Harry.

"Harry, guess what? Guess what, Harry? My brother's starting! My brother Dennis!"

"Er - good," said Harry, though his voice clearly said he didn't think it was good at all. Amie knew that Harry didn't particularly enjoy being famous, it made him feel uncomfortable if people looked up to him because of what he was famous for.

"He's really excited!" Colin said happily, bouncing in his seat. "I just hope he's in Gryffindor! Keep your fingers crossed, eh, Harry?"

"Er - yeah, all right," said Harry, turning back to Amie, Ron and Hermione. "Brothers and sisters usually go in the same Houses, don't they?" he asked.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now