The announcing of champions

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When it came closer to dinner time, Amie said goodbye to the Durmstrangs, and she went up to her dormitory and had a quick shower before heading down to the Great Hall. Entering the Hall, Amie noticed that it was nearly full, but Harry, Hermione and Ron weren't at the table yet, so she joined Fred, George and Lee instead.
"I'm starving," Amie groaned, and her stomach rumbled.
"I didn't see you or the others for lunch, where were you?" George asked.
"Well, the others were down at Hagrids', but I was at the Quidditch pitch," Amie said
"What? Why?" Fred asked.
"I wanted to fly," Amie frowned.
"Why didn't you tell us? We could've flown with you!" George said.
"I had company. Not in the beginning, but after a while. We played Quidditch," Amie beamed.

Fred and George looked confusedly and interestedly at Amie. George had only opened his mouth to ask Amie something, when Harry, Hermione and Ron joined them.
"Hope it's Angelina," said Fred, obviously deciding not to talk about it in front of them. Amie didn't feel as if it was a secret, but maybe her friends would be angry that she spent the day playing Quidditch instead of coming with them to visit Hagrid?
"So do I!" said Hermione happily. "Well, we'll soon know!"
The feast started shortly after that, and Amie could tell that almost everyone in the Hall were anxious for the selection, and paid next to no attention to the food on their plates. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Lee were no exeption, and there were almost no conversation at all during the meal.
"Who were you playing Quidditch with?" George asked Amie quietly after a while, breaking the silence of the group. Luckily, no one heard him.
"You really want to know?" Amie smirked.
"Course I do," George said seriously. "It's not Diggory, is it?"
"No, it's not Cedric," Amie giggled, and she saw a slight scowl cross George's face. "It was actually - Krum,"
George looked flabbergasted, his chin almost reached the ground.

"Krum?" he said disbelievingly.
"Yeah!" Amie said excitedly. "We had a bit of an argument at first, but -"
"You had an argument with Krum? Viktor Krum?" George said, still gaping.
"He's a person, George, not a God!" Amie said, starting to feel a bit annoyed.
"He's the world's most famous Seeker, Amie!" George said.
"So?" Amie said. "He's just like you and me! He's a good, down-to-earth person!"
George snorted.
"I thought you were interested in knowing who I played Quidditch with, I didn't think you were looking for something to argue with me about, George! Can you cool down for one second?" Amie said.
"All right, all right," George said. "I'm sorry. Okay, you had an argument with a world-famous Seeker, then what?"
Amie took a deep breath to calm down before replying.

"Well, I didn't really have a reason to be angry with him, so I calmed down, we talked for a bit, and then he fetched his broomstick and some of his schoolmates, and we played Quidditch." Amie said.
George still looked in shock.
"Only you, Amie. Only you," he mumbled, turning his attention back to the top table, where most gazes were currently fixed anyways.
"I don't understand what the big deal is," Amie shrugged, focusing on her food.


Finally, the food disappeared, and the noise increased for a few seconds before Dumbledore stood up and silence fell.
"Well, the Goblet is almost ready to make its decision," said Dumbledore. "I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the the next chamber -" he pointed to a door behind the staff table. "- where they will be receiving their first instructions."
Dumbledore took out his wand and waved it. All the candles in the Hall except for those in the carved pumpkins were extinguished, and the Hall was almost completely plunged into darkness. The white-blue flames of the Goblet of Fire shone brightly, nearly painfully so. People were quiet as they waited, some were checking their watches.
"Any second..." said Lee quietly.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now