Professor Moody

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Amie followed closely behind Snape, her heart pounding in her chest. She had calmed down a bit since first getting caught, but she was still nervous. How much could she tell Dumbledore? Snape didn't say a word to her the entire walk to the stone gargoyle - in fact, the first words she heard him say were the password to enter the Headmaster's office.

"Headmaster," Snape greeted as he walked into the office without knocking.

"Severus," Dumbledore said surprised, looking up from his desk as they walked in. "Ah, Miss Jones,"

"I just found Jones in my classroom, attempting to break into my private stores," Snape said angrily.

"Miss Jones?" Dumbledore said, turning his head to Amie.

"It's true, sir," Amie said.

"Are you not capable of punishing your own students, Severus?" Dumbledore said amusedly.

"She wouldn't tell me why she was there, and then insisted on going here," Snape said quietly.

"Very well then," Dumbledore turned to Amie again. "Why did you want to come here?"

"I wished to tell you why I was there," Amie said.

"And why didn't you tell Professor Snape?"

"He can't know," Amie said seriously. "You can't really know either, Professor, but it seems I've got no choice."

"I see," Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully. "Severus, please leave us,"

"What?" Snape's eyes were shooting sparks, and his voice was low and dangerous.

"Leave," Dumbledore repeated simply.

"This student was found in my classroom, I have the right to know why!" Snape yelled.

"And you will know, if I think it is right to tell you. At the moment, I need to hear what Amie's got to say," Dumbledore said. Without another word, Snape swung his robes around and stormed out of the office.

"I'm supposed to be in Divination," Amie said suddenly.

"Do not worry about that, Amie," Dumbledore said kindly. "I will inform Professor Trelawney of the reason behind your abscense."

"Not the real one, I hope?" Amie said worriedly.

"Of course not," Dumbledore assured her. "Everything you say will be confidential,"

"Snape can't hear us from outside the door, can he?" Amie asked.

"Professor Snape, Amie, and no," he waved his wand. "he can't,"

"Did you just make the office soundproof?" Amie asked to make sure.

"Yes," he nodded. "Now, tell me what you were doing,"

It wasn't a suggestion, it was a demand.

"Well, I had a vision last night," Amie started.

"I see. Of the future?"

"No. I've had the same vision twice before, but it's not really a vision at all. It's like, I don't know how to describe it, I just - I've talked to someone three times," Amie said.

"Have you ever experienced anything like it before?"

"Well, yes. In second year when my grandma died, I talked to her like that. Only, I could actually see her, I haven't seen this person," Amie explained.

"Who do you think it is? Is it someone who is dead?"

"Not exactly. He only just told me who he was in the second vision, but we were interrupted. Tonight he told me why he had contacted me,"

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now