The Burrow

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By one o' clock the next day, Amie was fully packed and waiting anxiously in her living room. Lucy was safely tucked in her cage, and having a little nap. There were several hours left until it was time for the Weasley's to come, but Amie couldn't do anything than sit on the couch and try to understand the television show she was half-watching, while stroking Chrystal who was purring on her lap.

"Amie, honey, are you sure you don't want any lunch?" Anne asked as she poked her head inside the room.

"I'm okay, mum," Amie replied, smiling at her mother.

"I really hope Mrs. Weasley will provide with a big dinner tonight," Anne sighed before she left the room.

Amie wasn't exactly nervous, more excited and anticipating. She longed to see her friends, and almost even more to see the Quidditch World Cup. But she was a little bit anxious about how the Weasley's would get here -- Ron hadn't answered her question. She knew Mr. Weasley used to have a car, but it had disappeared into the Forbidden Forest in their second year. Even if he still had a car, Amie doubted that Mr. Weasley would make such a long drive just to pick her and Harry up. Amie lived near the centre of London, and Harry not that far from London. But the Weasley's lived in the south-east of England, hours away.

And that's why Amie was a little bit worried about how they'd pick her up. Amie bit her nails as she waited. Five o' clock came, and went. Anne and David had joined their daughter on the couch, and the family waited together. At ten past, a whooshing sound filled the living room, and in the Jones' fireplace, surrounded by green flames, stood Mr. Weasley. Amie, who already knew about the Floo network took the sight with ease, but her parents were flabbergasted.

"Wh-wha'? H-how?" David stuttered.

"Dad, it's okay," Amie calmed him. "This is Mr. Weasley."

"Hello!" Mr. Weasley greeted, coming out of the fireplace. A second later, Fred, and then George appeared in the fireplace. Next came Ron, and Amie ran to hug him, and then the twins.

"All right, Amie?" asked the twins in sync.

"All right," Amie replied, grinning, before she turned to watch her parents.

They were now standing up, shaking hands with Mr. Weasley. David had an awed look on his face, while Anne looked over Mr. Weasley's dusty green robes, and his balding head with interest. Not a romantic interest, but the type of interest you give an exciting experiment.

"Mum, Dad, this is one of my best friends, Ron, and those two are Gred and Forge," Amie told her parents, and she winked at the twins who beamed at her.

"Gred and Forge?" David said, frowning. "Very interesting names, Mr. Weasley,"

Mr. Weasley laughed at David's cluelessness.

"They're Fred and George, they like to joke around," he said. "And it seems like your daughter has caught the bug, so to speak,"

"I hope that's all they do, otherwise we might be in trouble, right, dear?" David smiled at Anne. She just smiled sweetly back, while Mr. Weasley turned to Amie.

"Are you ready to go, Amie?" he asked kindly. "Only, we're already late to pick up Harry,"

"Oh -- of course, Mr. Weasley, my trunk is in the hall," Amie said, before running to fetch her belongings. When she got back, everyone was ready to go. Amie hugged her parents and said goodbye, while Mr. Weasley, Fred and George took the Floo and spun out of sight. A second later, Amie and Ron followed.


Although it was Amie's first time to Floo, she knew it was not supposed to be like this. She felt like she was stuck in a chimney, and so was all the others.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now