The arrival of the wizarding schools

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Amie reached Moaning Myrtle's bathroom quickly. Looking around the corridor to be sure no one was watching her, she walked through the door, said a quick 'Good morning, Myrtle', and then she entered the booth where the potion was. Amie's smile lit up her face as she looked at the potion. It looked exactly as the recipe stated it should look. She'd done it! Taking out the vial with Death's blood - that she never left anywhere - from her pocket, Amie pulled out the cork, and slowly she poured it into the potion. For a few seconds the potion was swirling around as if a storm was going on inside the cauldron, but then it went completely still, and turned black.

"Yes!" Amie exclaimed.

"Amie?" a voice asked from outside the booth Amie was in. Amie froze. "Amie, it's me, Hermione. What are you doing in there?"

"Uh - what do you think I'm doing?" Amie said.

"Don't even try, Amie." Hermione said sternly, and Amie sighed, locking up the door and poking her head out to look at her friend.

"Hello," she smiled innocently. Hermione's eyes were narrowed in suspicion.

"Is this where you've been all this time? Locked in a stall in a bathroom? This bathroom, none the less?"

"I didn't think I'd be found here," Amie said. "You know as well as I do why,"

"Yes. Now, the question is, what are you doing, Amie?" Hermione said, trying to look behind Amie.

"If I show you, do you promise not to tell anyone, or ask questions about it?" Amie asked.

Hermione frowned as she thought about it for a few seconds.

"Okay," she finally nodded, and Amie let her inside.


"And Dumbledore knows about this?" Hermione asked a while later as the two girls made their way to History of Magic.

"Yes," Amie said. "He supplied me with the ingredients."

"Is he the one who told you to make it?"

"No. He wasn't supposed to know about it. Snape caught me trying to break into his stores," Amie said.

"What!" Hermione said, shocked. "How come you didn't get detention?"

"I demanded to be taken to Dumbledore, and he took care of it," Amie shrugged.

"You demanded Snape to take you to Dumbledore?" Hermione gaped.

"Yes. Turns out, if you want something bad enough, you can convince Snape to let you have it. Well, he suggested it first, when I wouldn't say what I was doing there. And I, instead of telling him why I was there, agreed to see Dumbledore. Snape was shocked to say the least," Amie smiled.

"I can imagine that," Hermione said, surprised of her friend's actions.

"Come on, we're gonna be late," Amie said, hurrying up her steps.


Amie soon realised that there was too much anticipation for the evening for anyone to concentrate during their lessons. Anyone except Amie, that is. Sure she was excited to meet witches and wizards from other countries, but her focus was on her job and her schoolwork. During lunch Amie went back to the bathroom to fill the vials Death had given to her with the potion. She was a bit disappointed to find that it only filled seven of them, not eight. Seven lives were to be spared. Seven of possibly hundreds dying at the hands of Voldemort and his followers. The thought made Amie depressed, and she was in a sour mood as she packed up her cauldron and other stuff and took them back to the common room before heading to Potions. Deciding not to brood anymore, Amie was just as happy as her friends by the time their lesson finished, half an hour early, and they went back to the common room to leave their bags. Putting on their cloaks, Amie and the others rushed down to the Entrance Hall.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now