Laughter and tears

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"Amie!" Hermione panted as they ran down the stone staircase. "Amie, stop!"

"What?" Amie exclaimed, stopping and turning around so abrubtly Hermione almost ran into her.

"Well, first, I'm not in shape," Hermione gasped, bent over. "Slow down, for the love of Merlin!"

"Okay, okay, I'll slow down," Amie reluctantly agreed. "Anything else?"

"Yes. Why are we actually running to breakfast? I don't believe for a second it's because you're hungry, you would pick sleep over food anyday, Amie!"

"Oh, please, just come on!" Amie said impatiently, grabbing Hermione's arm and dragging her again. Only this time, she didn't run.

"Not again," Hermione groaned, but she still followed Amie without struggling.

When they entered the Great Hall, almost no one was there already. But two people who were there were the twins, and they were sitting at the Gryffindor table, whispering to each other.

"Are you ready?" Amie asked them quietly as she and Hermione took their seats.

"All set," George grinned. Amie smiled broadly.


"Wait, what's going on?" Hermione said anxiously. "Are you planning something?"

"Maybe," Amie said mischieviously.

"Amie! You're in on it? This is what you were doing last night?" Hermione said, shocked.

"Just don't tell anyone," Amie winked, before turning back to Fred and George to run over some final details, leaving Hermione looking nervous.


About half an hour later the Great Hall was filled with people eating their breakfast and chatting merrily. Amie wore a wicked smile as she watched them.

"This is going to be great," Amie giggled.

"Shh, Amie, it's about to start," Fred whispered.

And right then, it happened. With a sound like the blast of a canon, a burst of confetti flew into the air, coming from all directions. People looked around interestedly, all had their heads tilted up. Then Amie, Fred and George waved their wands discreetly. The confetti, every little bit of it, turned into frogs. Not big toads, but small frogs that wouldn't cause any damage if it landed on someone. But enough to freak people out. People, mostly girls, started screaming. Amie was laughing at the sight of them. The ones who'd gotten a frog on their face were freaking out, jumping and squealing. Probably more of shock than anything else, Amie deducted. Draco had a frog on his forehead, and he was yelling at Crabbe and Goyle to get it off him, but both seemed rather reluctant.

With a stream of people, everyone ran to the doors of the Hall. The students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were acting the same as the Hogwarts students, all just wanted to get out of there. But something that only Amie and the twins knew, was that outside something completely different was waiting. For a brief moment of the chaos, Amie wondered why Dumbledore or McGonagall hadn't done anything about the frogs yet. Maybe they were just confused? A quick peek at Dumbledore, seeing that his eyes were sparkling, Amie realised that that might not be the case. Amie smiled.

"Come on, we don't want to miss all the fun," Amie said to the twins, grabbing them by the elbows and dragging them to the doors. They arrived just in time to see the first load of water being dumped on the first group of students exiting the Hall. Most were girls, seeing as they were the ones more eager to escape the frogs. The shrieks as the cold water hit them, and then the stampede of students trying to get away, had Amie and the twins doubled up in laughter.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now