Skeeter, Karkaroff, Padfoot and Crouch

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The days after the second task were great for some. Ron was having the time of his life, telling anyone who'd listen about what had happened before and during the task. In the beginning he told the truth, how Dumbledore'd put the hostages in a bewitched sleep - but after a week he was telling people how he'd single-handledy fought fifty mer-people. Especially Padma Patil was showing interest, she found an excuse to talk to Ron every time they passed each other in the corridors. Meanwhile, Hermione was being teased for being the thing Viktor would miss the most. Amie thought it was ridiculous, and she told them all so.

"You're just jealous because Hermione's got a world-famous, good-looking guy while you don't!" Amie yelled angrily to a pair of especially nasty Slytherin sixth year girls. Said girls huffed and walked away with their noses in the air, while Amie breathed heavily to calm down.

"Uh, Amie?" Hermione said worriedly. "Thanks for sticking up for me, but... is something wrong?"

"No," Amie said, rubbing her eyes with her hands. "I just have a lot on my mind,"

And it was true. The realisation that Cedric's death was just a few months away had knocked Amie over. Soon, her work for Death would begin for real. Soon. And Cedric wasn't a stranger anymore, he was a close friend, someone Amie didn't want to lose. And wasn't she supposed to save people Harry would want to keep? Harry doesn't even like Cedric, Amie reminded herself. Cedric stole Cho, and with Cedric dead - Amie couldn't even finish that thought. What if by saving Cedric, someone Harry loves will have to die instead? Amie'd read over all the names on Death's list. Some names she recognized, many she didn't. But all of them were people. All of them deserve life. And their lives are in Amie's hands! What was Death thinking when he gave Amie this mission? She's much too emotional. But didn't Death say that Amie's emotions were what made her the perfect choice? That she would chose people who mattered to her, and by doing that, she would choose people who mattered to Harry? Remus, Sirius, Fred... To say that Amie was very quiet during this time would be an under-exaggeration. Not only Amie's closest friends noticed that something was off - several of the teachers had asked Amie if she was okay. Like the time Dumbledore himself sent Professor Snape to ask her what was wrong during dinner... Amie couldn't tell who was more uncomfortable, her or Snape.

Something that brightened Amie's mood a bit came with the owl post on Friday morning. A reply from Sirius to Harry. Harry read it out to them:

'Be at stile at end of road out of Hogsmeade (past Dervish & Banges) at two o' clock on Saturday afternoon. Bring as much food as you can.'

While Amie's face lit up, her friends' faces had fallen.

"He hasn't come back to Hogsmeade?" Ron asked, shocked.

"It looks like it, doesn't it?" said Hermione.

"Not much of a writer, is he, Harry?" Amie joked.

"I can't believe him," said Harry, ignoring Amie. "If he's caught..."

"Made it so far, though, hasn't he?" said Ron. "And it's not like the place is swarming with dementors any more."

"That's more like it!" Amie said happily. "Lighten up, Harry, our little pet can take care of himself,"

The trio stared at her.

"'Our little pet'?" Harry repeated, gaping.

"What? Don't like it? D'you want me to use his real name, then?" Amie raised an eyebrow.

"No!" Harry shook his head quickly, looking around him to check if anyone was listening. "Our little pet is fine,"

"Okay, then," Amie grinned.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now