The World Cup

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Holding on to everything they'd bought, Mr. Weasley led the way through the woods. They could hear excited voices and laughter all around them, even some singing. They walked for about twenty minutes, following the trail, until they reached the gigantic stadium that towered over them. The stadium was, in fact, so big that even the Colosseum would probably fit inside. Not that Amie'd ever seen it in real life, so she couldn't know for sure.

"Seats a hundred thousand," said Mr. Weasley, noticing Harry's gaping expression. "Ministry task force of five hundred have been working on it all year. Muggle Repelling Charms on every inch of it. Every time Muggles have got anywhere near here all year, they've suddenly remembered urgent appointments and had to dash away again... bless them." he said fondly.

They made their way to the nearest entrance, along with many other witches and wizards.

"Prime seats!" exclaimed the entrance witch when she checked the tickets. "Top box! Straight upstairs, Arthur, and as high as you can go,"

They started walking up the stairs, along with the rest of the crowd. On the way, the people filtered through the doors into the stands, while the Weasley's, Hermione, Harry and Amie continued up. Soon enough, they reached a small box highest up at the stadium, situated halfway between the golden goal posts. About twenty purple and gilt seats were placed inside. Amie and the others all sat down in the front, looking down into the stadium.

A hundred thousand witches and wizards were taking their seats on every row. There was a soft glowing light in the stadium, which had a calming effect, at least on Amie. The field, so far down, looked smooth and in perfect condition. Amie only wished she could go down there and try taking off on her broomstick. On either end of the stadium stood the three, fifty feet high, goal hoops. On the opposite side of Amie and the others was a big blackboard. Golden writing flashed on it, advertising different magical merchandise, like broomsticks and robes.

"Dobby?" Amie heard Harry say, and she snapped her head to where he was looking. Sitting at the end of the row was a little house elf. Amie had already seen house elves, with Fred and George, but she'd never seen one alone. And she hadn't met Dobby, a house elf that used to belong to Draco, and who did everything in his power to stop Harry from going to Hogwarts in their second year.

The little elf, who'd been sitting with it's head in it's hands, raised it's head, revealing big brown eyes.

"Did sir just call me Dobby?" squeaked the house elf curiously. Amie supposed she was female.

"Sorry," Harry apologized. "I just thought you were someone I knew,"

"But I knows Dobby too, sir!" the elf said excitedly. She was shielding her face with her hands, as if she was being blinded, though the Top Box wasn't bright. "My name is Winky, sir - and you, sir - " her eyes widened. "- you is surely Harry Potter!"

"Yeah, I am," Harry said.

"But Dobby talks of you all the time, sir!" said Winky, lowering her hands slightly.

"How is he?" asked Harry. "How's freedom suiting him?"

"Ah, sir," Winky shook her head. "ah, sir, meaning no disrespect, sir, but I is not sure you did Dobby a favor, sir, when you is setting him free,"

"Why?" said Harry, shocked. "What's wrong with him?"

"Freedom is going to Dobby's head, sir," said Winky sadly. "Ideas above his station, sir. Can't get another position, sir,"

"Why not?" asked Harry. Winky leaned forward and spoke with a low voice.

"He is wanting paying for his work, sir,"

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now