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"Don't tell your mother you've been gambling," Mr. Weasley told the twins as they all descended the stairs.

"Don't worry, Dad," said Fred happily. "we've got big plans for this money. We don't want it confiscated."

Mr. Weasley opened his mouth, as if he was going to ask about their plans, but he closed it just as quickly. Amie thought that he probably decided that he didn't want to know.

As they got out of the stadium, mingling with the crowd heading back to the campsite, Amie felt as if she'd never had more fun. All around her people were singing, and leprechauns were flying all around them.  When they made it back to the tent, none of them felt like sleeping. Mr. Weasley agreed to having a cup of cocoa before turning in for the night. They sat down at the table, discussing the match exitedly. It wasn't until Ginny fell asleep and spilled hot chocolate over the floor that Mr. Weasley finally insisted they went to bed.

Amie, Hermione and Ginny groggily left the boys tent, and went to their own. Without talking, they all changed into their nightgowns and crept into their beds.

"G'night," Hermione mumbled.

"Nightie night, sleep tight," Amie grumbled, half asleep already.


It was dark. So dark, that Amie hardly could see anything at all. She held up her hand before her eyes, and since she could actually see it she knew she hadn't gone blind. She frowned, wondering where she was. A voice laughed, and Amie spun around.

"Who's there?" she asked, scared.

"Do not be frightened, little one. I am not here to hurt you," the voice said.

"Then why are you here? Who are you? Where am I?" Amie asked. The voice laughed again.

"So many questions. You're a curious little one, aren't you?"

"This is my dream, after all. I'm allowed to ask questions, aren't I?" Amie said sarcastically.

"Certainly, certainly," the voice agreed, and Amie could imagine him nodding his head.

"Where are you?" Amie wondered. "Why won't you show yourself?"

"My true form might scare you," the voice said seriously.

"I'm not easily frightened. Believe me, I've seen horrible things," Amie said sadly.

"Oh, I know, little one," said the voice. "But you've never seen someone quite like me before. Although, you have met me, just never seen me,"

"Who are you?" Amie asked again. "Have you been spying on me or something?"

That was followed by even more laughter.

"Such a typical human question. I'd forgotten how much fun you are to be around, little one,"

"Human?" Amie frowned.

"You caught that, did you? Yes, human."

"So you're not, then?" Amie said. "Human, I mean."

"Not human, per say," the voice agreed. "In many ways I resemble a human, I could even become a human. But no, I am not a human."

"Then who are you?" Amie asked.

"Someone who's always been there, since the beginning of the world. I've been watching over every living thing for ages."

"Who -?"


"Amie! Amie!" a scared voice called.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now