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As Amie and Neville walked into the common room, they found it to be completely empty, except for Hermione, Ron and Harry. They were still sitting by the same table, and Hermione looked very excited as she spoke to the boys.

"I'm going to bed. See you, Amie. And thanks," Neville said, the last part in a low sincere voice.

"No problem, Nev. Good night," Amie smiled, giving Neville a quick hug before he went upstairs.

"What's up?" Amie asked, sitting down in an armchair next to Hermione.

"Amie, good, you're here," Hermione said happily, turning to her. Amie narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Hermione.

"What did you do?" she said dangerously.

"Nothing!" Hermione said innocently.

"Hermione..." Amie warned.

"Okay, okay! Look!" Hermione said, and she handed Amie a badge, with the letters S.P.E.W. on it.

"Spew?" Amie frowned.

"Oh, not you too!" Hermione groaned. "It's S.P.E.W. Stands for  the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare!"

"Let me guess, you are it's founder, and you want us to be members?" Amie joked.

"Yes!" Hermione said.

"Oh, Hermione!" Amie groaned.

"What?" Hermione's smile fell, and she looked hurt.

"I'm sorry Hermione, I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything, but I think at least for now this will be a waste of your time. I think no one except us will join, at least not for the reason you want them to. And I care about elves too, but it will take years before this will be possible. At the moment, there's too much other stuff going on. Focus on your schoolwork, I say," Amie said.

The look on Hermione's face showed that Amie's words clearly hadn't sunk in at all.

"I will do this, Amie. With or without your help," she said.

"I'll join, but expect nothing else. I have schoolwork and other stuff to worry about." Amie said.

Hermione still looked peeved, but she nodded.

"Okay, so - we start by recruiting members," said Hermione, obviously picking up from where she was in the conversation when Amie entered the common room. "I thought two Sickles to join - that buys a badge - and the proceeds can fund our leaflet campaign. You're treasurer, Ron - I've got you a collecting tin upstairs - and Harry, you're secretary, so you might want to write down everything I'm saying now, as a record of our first meeting."

As Amie watched the boys looking half shocked, and half dumbfounded, Harry a bit amused for some reason, Amie heard a tapping sound. Turning to look out of the window, they saw a snowy owl sitting on the window sill, tapping to be let in.

"Hedwig!" exclaimed Harry, rushing from his seat to open the window. Hedwig flew inside, soaring beautifully, landing on the table they were sitting at.

"About time!" said Harry, and Amie heard the annoyance in his voice.

"She's got an answer!" Ron said excitedly, pointing to a letter tied to Hedwig's leg. Harry hurriedly untied it and sat down to read, while Hedwig settled herself on his knee.

"What does it say?" Hermione said softly.

Harry read aloud:

"Harry - I'm flying north immediately.

This news about your scar is the latest in a series of strange rumours that have reached me here. If it hurts again, go straight to Dumbledore - they're saying he's got Mad-Eye out of retirement, which means he's reading the signs, even if no one else is.

I'll be in touch soon. My best to Amie, Ron and Hermione. Tell Amie I'm sorry I didn't answer her letter, I only had time for one. Hope to see you all soon. Keep your eyes open, Harry.


Amie felt a little peeved that Sirius hadn't replied to her letter, but at the same time she understood. And she was grateful that he hadn't mentioned the fact that it was more likely that it was because of her letter he was flying north. Harry would be very angry with her if he knew - his godfather meant everything to him, he was the only family he had.

"He's flying north?" whispered Hermione, wide-eyed. "He's coming back?"

"Dumbledore's reading what signs?" Ron frowns. "Harry - what's up?"

Harry had just hit himself on the forehead.

"I shouldn't have told him!" he said furiously, only adding to Amie's belief that Harry would've been angry if he knew exactly what Amie had told Sirius. She had said she'd told him of her dream, but it wasn't completely true. The meaning with her letter was to let Sirius know Harry was in danger, and if she knew her friend right, he would've made his own letter sound as non-threatening to himself as possible, so he wouldn't alarm his godfather. But since he'd gotten the warning from Amie, of course he felt alarmed by Harry's letter!

"What are you on about?" asked Ron in surprise, making Amie roll her eyes. Sometimes Ron was really clueless.

"It's made him think he's got to come back!" Harry said, slamming his fist on the table, making Hedwig fall on the back of Ron's chair. Amie snatched Hedwig away from Harry, and perched her on her own shoulder instead. "Coming back, because he thinks I'm in trouble! And there's nothing wrong with me! And I haven't got anything for you," he snapped at Hedwig, who was clicking her beak as if expecting an owl treat. "you'll have to go up to the owlery if you want food,"

Hedwig took into the air, hitting Harry in the face with her wing on her way to the window. The next second, she was gone. Amie didn't have time to reprimand Harry Before Hermione opened her mouth.

"Harry," she said, but Harry cut her off.

"I'm going to bed," he said. "See you in the morning,"

And with that, he was off upstairs, leaving his three friends sharing worried looks.

"This isn't good," Hermione said after a few moments of silence.

"Which part? Sirius returning, or Harry's worries? Or something completely different?" Amie asked.

"All of it, I guess," Hermione said, and just as she was about to continue, Amie interrupted her.

"Hermione, I think it's good Sirius is coming back. He won't get caught - he's been on the run for a long time. Hardly anyone knows of his animagus form, and he needs to be closer to Harry. I'm telling you, by the end of the year, Harry will need him," she said.

"Okay," Hermione said, nodding. "Now, Amie, I've got something to ask you,"

"What is it?" Amie asked, narrowing her eyes.

"What were you talking about at breakfast? You don't expect us to forget about it, do you?"

"Well, I'm not in danger, but no one can know. You have to trust me, all of you," Amie said, looking at Ron too. "What I'm doing will help. Voldemort -" Hermione flinched, and Ron jumped. " - will be back, and what I'm doing will help us in the long run. But this is my job to do, and I can't share it. Not even with you. Do you trust me?"

Amie fixed her friends with a determined gaze. Both Ron and Hermione were gaping, and their eyes were big as coins. To hear from a Seer that Voldemort was indeed coming back shocked them. Noticing how serious Amie was about this, they nodded.

"Good. I'm going to bed, coming Hermione?" Hermione nod once more, and the two girls head to the stairs. "G'night Ron!" Amie calls as they walk to their dormitory.


I told you it was short, so please don't complain! Be happy I updated, because I really didn't think I would! It's only 19.10 o' Clock here (7.10 in the evening), but I didn't think I should start writing into the next original chapter, because then I wouldn't update today! Hopefully I'll be able to write longer for the next chapter, but maybe not. Be patient with me :)

Comment, vote, fan, bye!

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now