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At first the kiss was gentle, sweet. Amie's still pouring tears ran over both her own and George's cheeks. But Amie wasn't sad, she was simply overcome with emotions, and didn't know what else to do but cry. George's kiss confirmed Amie's suspicion - she did have a crush on him. The gentleness of the kiss woke a hunger in Amie. She wanted more - and that's why she made the first move to deepen the kiss. Perhaps George felt surprised when Amie nibbled on his lip which made him open his mouth, and their tongues met. But Amie wouldn't have noticed, she was too much in the moment. The butterflies in Amie's stomach fluttered happily, and the dizziness she felt would have made her knees buckle - if she was standing. Finally they parted from what could only be called a 'make-out session'.

"Worth the wait?" Amie said shyly, looking into George's eyes, forehead to forehead.

"I'd wait forever for you, Amie," George said, blushing.

"Now you don't have to," Amie smiled, giving him a peck on the lips. She smiled wickedly. "I have to warn you though, I don't have a good relationship record,"

George chuckled.

"Is it what we are, though?" Amie said, shy all of a sudden. "Boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"We are if you want us to be, Ames," George said seriously.

"Come on, boyfriend," Amie said, standing up. "We have a ball to attend,"

"Boyfriend?" a new voice joined the conversation, and Amie spun around to see Ron and Harry standing there, looking surprised. It was Ron who had spoken. "You said you were going as friends!"

"We did go as friends, Ron, but now - wait, I don't have to explain myself to you!" Amie said, getting angry.

"Yes you do! You're my friend, and he's my brother! I think I deserve to know!" Ron said, looking sulky and offended.

"You deserve to know, do you? Isn't it between us?" Amie said icily.

"You already kept one relationship secret from us, were you going to hush this up too?" Ron said angrily. He had crossed the line.

"Don't you dare - don't even dare go there, Ron, I am warning you," Amie was hissing now, her tone venomous, her hair red, and he eyes flashing. Ron stepped back, looking a bit afraid.

"Come on, Ron, let's go back," Harry said, watching Amie apprehensively. Luckily Ron obeyed, or else Amie might've hexed him.

"Are you okay?" George asked, grabbing Amie's hand when the boys had left.

"I'm fine," Amie said, taking a deep breath and claiming control of her metamorphing, turning her hair back to brown.

"Do you still want to go back to the Great Hall?"

"I'm not going to let a little fight get in our way," Amie smiled up at George.

Hand in hand, the new couple walked back to the castle, to dance the night away.


Amie woke up quite late the next day - the other girls in her dormitory were already out of bed. After putting on some clothes Amie skipped down the stairs to find a crowded but rather quiet common room. But there was a handsome ginger waiting for her to come down. When he saw her he jumped up with a smile and hurried over, wrapping her up in a hug, and then pecking her cheek.

"Good morning," he murmured into her ear, his arms still around her waist. "Are you hungry?"

"Starving," Amie smiled coyly. "Did you wait for me?"

"'Course I did," George said. "I told Hermione and the others to go to breakfast, so I could take you,"

"Thank you, George," Amie grinned.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now