Hogwarts express

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"Amie," a voice was whispering in her ear, and if it wasn't for the vision she'd been in, she would have opened her eyes already. "Amie, wake up,"

Giving in to the fact that she wouldn't get back to the vision anyways, Amie groaned and opened her eyes. Immediately, George covered her mouth with his hand - he didn't want to wake up Hermione and Ginny. "Be quiet and come with me,"

Amie nodded to show that she understood, but she was a bit pissed off. George left the room quickly, and Amie got out of bed, wrapping a robe around her night gown.

"George?" Amie whispered once she was in the hallway. "George!"

"Down here!" came his whisper from the floor below. "Come to the living room,"

Tip-toeing down in the darkness, Amie finally made it to the living room where George had already sat down on the couch.

"What was so important you had to interrupt my vision?" Amie hissed angrily.

"You were having a vision?" George frowned.

"Yes, a conversation actually, and this is the second time we've been interrupted," Amie sighed, sitting down next to him.

"I didn't know your visions worked like that," George said. "Has that happened before?"

"Twice," Amie nodded. "One of them was the night after the world cup with the same person, the first time was when my grandma died in second year,"

"Who did you talk to now?" George asked with interest.

"He said he was Death, but I don't know, maybe I hea -"

"Wait, what?" George exclaimed, shocked. "He said he was Death?"

"Yeah," Amie said sincerely.

"What did he want?" George asked.

"I don't know, we haven't gotten that far yet," Amie said annoyed.

"Sorry," George apologized. "But if you've talked twice, how come he hasn't mentioned the reason yet?"

"We've had other things to discuss, and we've been interrupted early in the conversation both times,"

"What have you been talking about, then?" George asked.

"Well, mostly I've been asking who he is. He didn't want to tell me at first - thought I would be scared if he showed himself," Amie shrugged.

"Wouldn't you have been?"

Amie hesitated for a second before replying.

"No," she said honestly. "I've seen bad things, and it hasn't exactly scared me. I might have been surprised and upset, but it would take more than that to scare me."

George was quiet for a second, deep in thought. He seemed to be debating with himself.

"Amie, are you angry with me?" he said suddenly. Amie was taken aback - George looked as if he was scared that she was.

"No, why would you say that?" she said, surprised.

"Well, earlier, when you snapped at me, saying I couldn't come into Ginny's room -"

"Is it just that?" Amie snorted. George nodded, looking apprehensive. "I am not mad at you, I wouldn't have let Harry, Ron, Fred or any other guy in either,"

George looked relieved for a second, before frowning.

"Why?" he said.

"We were trying on dresses," Amie explained.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now