Last bit of term

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When Sophie got back to Hogwarts on Tuesday morning, she was in a state. No trace of a smile could be found on her face, and she seemed to be in immense pain. Amie and the others tried all they could to make her feel better, but in the end, they realized that time was the only thing that could help her. To go on with your life when one of your dorm mates was hurting was difficult, but Fay promised to stay by Sophie's side at all times, so Amie didn't have to feel too guilty when she hung out with her friends. Fay was the only person Sophie could really confide in, even though she could sometimes talk to Amie too. They just didn't have that special bond between best friends.

On Wednesday, after school, Amie felt like meeting her 'out-of-house'-friends, as she called them. She started with Cedric, who she spent some time with in the library.

"So...." Amie said awkwardly. Cedric looked up at her with interest.

"So?" he pressed when Amie didn't continue.

"Haven't seen you in a while," Amie chickened out.

Cedric chuckled and shook his head.

"Might feel like a while, but we hung out last Saturday, before the first task, remember?" he smiled. Amie blushed. "Now, are you going to tell me what you were really going to say?"

"No." Amie shook her head quickly. "I'll find out anyway. You'll get the wrong idea,"

"Now you have to tell me, Amie!" Cedric groaned. "You can't say A but not B,"

"It's just.... I was wondering..."


"Well, the ball is coming up, and, I had a suspicion of who you were going to ask..." Amie said in a rush.

"Who?" Cedric frowned.

"Cho Chang," Amie said.

"How did you know that?" Cedric spluttered.

"So it's true?" Amie said, happy he hadn't denied it.

"Well... yes," Cedric blushed.

"Aww, you're blushing, that's so cute!" Amie gushed.

"Shhhh!!!" Cedric shushed her, looking around the empty library.

"There's no-one here, Ced," Amie rolled her eyes.

"There could be for all I knew," Cedric said. "You can never be too careful,"

"I guess," Amie shrugged. "Onto more pressing matters.... how are you going to ask her?"

"Dunno, I... just thought I'd ask?" Cedric said, confused.

"No, no, no!" Amie said. "D'you like her?"

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't take her to the ball, now, would I?"

"Then you have to make it more romantic than that!" Amie pressed. "She'll think you're just taking her because she's pretty, you have to show her you actually care,"

"How do I do that?" Cedric asked.

"I know just the thing," Amie smiled mysteriously.


Next was Viktor, who she took a walk inside the Quidditch stadium with.

"Now's the time to take action. You have to ask her," Amie said. Viktor groaned.

"Vot shoud I say?" he said.

"Just be yourself - Hermione doesn't care if you're famous, if she'll like you, it'll be for you. Be kind, honest, tell her you think she's pretty, and don't be upset if she says no - she'll say yes soon enough,"

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now