The Yule Ball Revelation

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Amie, Hermione, Lavender, Parvati, Sophie and Fay all walked down to the common room together. Not many Gryffindors were there, but those who were all quieted down and watched them descend the staircase. They are staring at us, Amie realised, and she told Hermione just that.

"I know," she replied. "Do I look all right?"

Amie snorted, and Hermione looked hurt.

"All right? That is far from how you look, Hermione! You look beyond stunning, breathtakingly gorgeous is more like it!"

"Thanks, Amie," Hermione smiled and blushed with pleasure. "You look amazing as well,"

"Thank you," Amie grinned, turning to look around the common room. As Hermione, Sophie and Fay left to go downstairs and find their dates - Viktor and two Hufflepuff boys - Parvati and Lavender stayed close to the landing of the dormitory staircase, wating for their dates - Harry and Seamus. Meanwhile, Amie had frozen. She'd locked eyes with her date, and both of them were looking each other over, and Amie had a million thoughts running through her head. She realised she'd been lying to herself. How could she ever have made herself believe she didn't have feelings for George? She did, and the realisation startled her. Standing next to his twin close to the portrait hole, George looked so handsome, and his eyes held only kindness and awe as he looked at Amie. And she knew that if she only gave him permission, those eyes would look at her with love. Oh, how she wanted that now! The feelings Amie now felt were unlike anything she'd experienced before. With Draco, she never really had a crush, she'd grown into loving him, she knew that now. It may have felt like a crush at the time, but now Amie knew that they had really just gone from friends to a couple, and sure, Amie'd loved him, but had she been in love with him? She wasn't so sure now. But with George? Amie realised she had butterflies in her stomach, something she hadn't experienced before. She was nervous!

"Hi," Amie said shyly to George when she reached the twins.

"Hello gorgeous," said George with a smile.

"You look very pretty, Amie," complimented Fred.

"Thanks Fred," smiled Amie. "You two don't look half bad yourself! Wait 'till Angelina comes down, she won't know what to do with herself!"

Even Amie understood that she wasn't acting like herself. She could hear it in her voice, she didn't have the usual sass and tease in her tone. Fred acted oblivious, but George was watching Amie as if to figure her out. Oh, please, don't make it obvious! Amie pleaded with herself. She fought very hard not to watch George like a love-sick puppy. She wasn't like that! What happened to the 'I can take care of myself, I don't need anyone, I'm a strong woman'-Amie? One clear look at George was all it took for her walls to fall down. The walls Amie put up so she wouldn't act like every other teenage girl out there. She was among the people who would talk about how silly they could behave! Oh, please, Merlin, help me keep it together! Amie prayed.

George was still watching Amie, and he  was grinning now.

"Amie? You there?" he smirked.

"What?" Amie shook her head.

"Do you have any idea what a display you've been putting on?" George chuckled. Amie frowned in confusion, and looked around. Every Gryffindor in the common room was watching her. Why? Amie pondered.

"You've had some lack of control over your powers, Ames," George said.

"What!" Amie shrieked, and she blushed.

"Come on, let's leave," George smiled and led her out the portrait hole. Once they were outside, Amie rounded on him.

"What do you mean, lack of control? What did I do?" she asked hurriedly.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now