That's strange...

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The party for Harry continued for hours, and only when it was passed one o' clock did Amie go to bed.

"Great party, wasn't it?" Amie yawned, and her dormmates agreed tiredly. "Night!"

"Goodnight, Amie," echoed the room, and Amie giggled, thinking that it sounded as if she was their teacher or something. Amie quickly fell asleep afterwards, and sometime during the night, she found herself sinking into that dreamlike state again.


Amie was underwater - she could tell from the dark blue light all around her. She was floating, and on the bottom of where she was there was seaweed. 'I must be in the lake', thought Amie logically. Turning, or rather, swimming around, Amie saw what looked like an underwater city. It looked eerie and dark, not at all like the city in 'The Little Mermaid' she used to watch after it came out a few years before starting Hogwarts. Ariel had been Amie's idol for some time, but the creatures Amie could see now where nothing like the mermaids in the movie. They were grotesque, evil-looking, and Amie turned away, not wanting to look at them for long. Of course she knew they could be friendly - she'd read about them - but they weren't, well, humanly. As Amie turned in another direction, she saw something strange. Four figures, floating in the water, held down by ropes. 'What's going on here?', Amie thought, slightly panicked. Because she knew them. She recognized the people, looking dead, in the water. There was Ron, Hermione, Cho Chang of Ravenclaw, and a Little girl Amie understood was Fleur's little sister, Gabrielle. 'What are they all doing here?'

Then a thought struck her. What if this has to do with the tournament? There's four champions - they have four different 'things' to find, probably. Ron is Harry's best friend, Hermione will go with Viktor to the Ball, Gabrielle is Fleur's sister, and Cho -

Amie stopped in her pondering. What of Cho?

As Amie had been thinking, she'd missed quite a lot of her vision. The four figures in the water were all gone, left were the terrible sea-creatures. What did she miss?

Her vision went blurry, and when it cleared, a familiar figure was standing in front of her. But why it was familiar, Amie couldn't tell. She'd never seen him before. He was wearing a black cloak, and in his hand was a scythe. He looked exactly as Amie'd imagined.

"Death!" Amie exclaimed.

"Hello, Little one," Death spoke in his amused voice.

"I can see you!" Amie said, surprised. "Why can I see you?"

"It was time to step out of the shadows. I thought you were not afraid, and I can see that I'm right,"

"You are," Amie nodded. "I'm just surprised that you finally decided to show yourself,"

"It was time," Death repeated. "Only a fair amount of humans have ever seen me - apart from when they die,"

Amie felt the urge to shudder, but fought it.

"Hey, you gave me the vision I just had, right?" Amie suddenly said.

"Indeed, you are correct," said Death.

"Is it of the second task?" Amie wondered.

"I knew you could figure it out," Death said, sounding quite proud.

"Yes, well - it wasn't that hard to figure out," Amie said. "But one thing did confuse me. Why's Cho Chang there?"

"That's not for me to tell," Death said. "I'm sure one of your most recent friends could account for it better than I can,"

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now