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She was in the dark place again. But this time, Amie could nearly see, it wasn't quite as dark. In fact, Amie was certain that there came a light from somewhere. How to prove it, she didn't know. Just like before, Amie knew that she wasn't alone. The prescence she now knew was Death was there. Amie spun around, trying desperately to catch a glimpse of him.

"Greetings, little one," Death spoke, and to Amie's disappointment, the voice echoed around her.

"Good night, Death," Amie said pleasantly.

"Is it? Or do you simply wish me a good night?"

"Fair point," Amie chuckled. "It's a weird saying. But I guess I intended to wish you a good night,"

"I can tell that I misjudged you. You do not seem frightened of me at all." Death sounded a bit surprised, and Amie smiled.

"You're right," she said. "I've never really been afraid of dying, so why would I fear Death himself?"

"Fair point," Death repeated her words from before.

"Now, let's get to business," Amie said. "Why have I been meeting you? What is it you want from me? If you had come for my life, I would be dead already,"

"Correct, little one," Death said. "I am not here to claim you. I have come for your help,"

"My help?" Amie frowned. "What can a fourteen year old girl do that you can't?"

"It's not a matter of me not being able to do it myself. The problem is, I have an entire world of souls to claim. Not only humans, but even animals."

"You do not have the time?" Amie asked curiously.

"Exactly," Death said.

"Then why are you here? Surely you have more important things to do?"

"Right you are," Death agreed. "Which is why this time I hope I will not be interrupted. Do you think anyone will wake you up before daybreak?"

"No," Amie said. "I'm sure no one is awake, even. I'm sleeping in my dormitory, only the other girls can wake me up,"

"Good," Death said, pleased. "Then I'll get to the point. Listen closely - In the coming years, many people will die. Several of them, you know and will know."

"Like Cedric Diggory?" Amie asked.

"Precisely," Death said.

"Why are you telling me this?" Amie wondered.

"Because I want you to save a few of them."

There was silence for a few seconds.

"S - save?" Amie said in disbelief. "How come?"

"I am not an evil being, no matter what anybody thinks. I am simply a creature created to end lives, when they're supposed to be ended. If Tom Riddle's life would have ended when it was his time, none of them would die. Not just yet, anyway."

"But why are you doing this?" Amie asked, still shocked. "Surely you wouldn't care whether anyone lives or dies?"

"I do not have an emotional bond to creatures of the Earth, that is correct. But what I do have, is sympathy and gratitude."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Amie exclaimed.

"Little one, listen to me,"

Amie was silent to show that Death could continue.

"Thank you. Now, let me explain. For many years now, Voldemort has been hiding from me. His time was over more than a decade ago, but he defeated me and survived."

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now