Strange events

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When Hermione finally announced that she was ready to leave the hospital wing Amie knew that Care of Magical Creatures was nearly over.
"We should explain to Hagrid," was all that Hermione said on the matter. They walked down the slopes to Hagrid's cabin, and not far from there were the class and Hagrid. There was a large patch of freshly turned earth where many small, fluffy animals were digging.
"Oh, there y'are, Hermione, Amie!" Hagrid called happily as they approached them all. Amie could see Pansy Parkinson watching Hermione with narrowed eyes - Hermione was still wearing the bandages.
"Well, let's check how yeh've done!" said Hagrid to the class. "Count yer coins! An' there's no point tryin' ter steal any, Goyle," he added, his beetle-black eyes narrowed. "It's leprechaun gold. Vanishes after a few hours." 
It turned out Ron's niffler, it was called, had collected the most gold. Hagrid gave him a big slab of Honeyduke's chocolate for a prize. While the rest of the class headed up to the castle for lunch, Amie and the others stayed behind to help put the nifflers back in their boxes.

"What yeh done ter yer hands, Hermione?" Hagrid asked, looking concerned.
Hermione told him of the hate mail she'd received at breakfast and the envelope full of bobotuber pus.
"Aaah, don' worry," Hagrid said softly, looking down at Hermione. "I got some o' those letters an all, after Rita Skeeter wrote about me mum. 'Yeh're a monster an yeh should be put down.' Yer mother killed innocent people an if you had any decency you'd jump in a lake.'"
"No!" Hermione exclaimed in shock.
"Yeah," Hagrid said, matter-of-factly as he heaved the niffler crates over by his cabin wall. "They're jus' nutters, Hermione. Don' open 'em if yeh get any more. Chuck 'em straigh' in the fire."
"That's what I said," Amie smiled at Hagrid.


"You missed a really good lesson," Harry told them as they were walking up to the castle. "They're good, nifflers, aren't they, Ron?"
Ron didn't answer, he was looking strangely at the chocolate Hagrid had given him.
"What's the matter?" asked Harry. "Wrong flavor?" he joked.
"No," Ron said. "Why didn't you tell me about the gold?"
"What gold?" asked Harry.
"The gold I gave you at the Quidditch World Cup," said Ron. "The leprechaun gold I gave you for my Omnioculars. In the Top Box. Why didn't you tell me it disappeared?" 
Harry was quiet for a few seconds, clearly trying to figure out what Ron was talking about.
"Oh," he said finally, his frown disappearing. "I dunno... I never noticed it had gone. I was more worried about my wand, wasn't I?"
They climbed the stone steps of the castle, crossed the Entrance hall and entered the Great hall.
"Must be nice," Ron said suddenly, when they'd sat down and started serving themselves their lunch. "To have so much money you don't notice if a pocketfull of Galleons goes missing,"
"Listen, I had other stuff on my mind that night!" said Harry impatiently. "We all did, remember?" 
"I didn't know leprechaun gold vanishes," Ron muttered. "I thought I was paying you back. You shouldn't've given me that Chudley Cannon hat for Christmas." 
"Forget it, all right?" said Harry. 
Ron speared a potato on his fork and glared at it.
"I hate being poor," he said.

While Harry and Hermione looked at each other, at a loss for words, Amie decided to speak up.
"Oh, grow up, Ron," she snapped.
Ron turned to her, looking shocked. Hermione and Harry were gaping.
"What?" Ron said.
"You should be happy about what you've got instead of moping about what you don't!" Amie hissed. "Not all people have had the upbringing you've had! So what, you don't have as much money as others, but you're not the only one in this school who wishes they had something they don't! I grew up being told I was a mistake, not wanted, I had no friends at school - my grandparents were the only ones who liked me! And Harry's parents were murdered before he got to know them, and he spent his childhood with his aunt and uncle who hates magic and lied to him, and a bullying cousin! You have two loving, incredible parents, five brothers and a sister! All of them love you! But here you are, whining about not having enough money! Think about others than yourself for once!"
Amie was standing up by the end of her rant. She would have liked to scream at Ron, but she'd kept her voice down so not everyone could hear what she was saying. It would be embarrassing enough as it was. And Amie was sick of people looking at her as if she was crazy.
"Harry, tell Professor Trelawney I'm not feeling well. I am not in the mood of making predictions all afternoon," Amie said, still glaring at Ron. Without checking to see if Harry listened to her, Amie hurriedly left the hall.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now