Mon dieu!

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When Amie awoke the next day, it was to find a mostly empty dormitory. Hermione was still there, but the others had already left. Hermione was rummaging around in her trunk, fully dressed for the day.

"Hermione -"

"Amie! You're up, good," Hermione said. "I was thinking I should go down to breakfast and fetch some toast, and then you, me, and Harry can take a walk. What do you think?"

"I think Harry will appreciate it." Amie nodded in approval.

"Can you wait for him down in the common room?"

"Sure. You go on," Amie said, and Hermione was out of the room in a matter of seconds.

Amie took her time getting ready, and when she got down to the common room she didn't have long to wait before Harry showed up. The second he walked into sight, everyone in the common room burst into applause again. Amie knew from the look on Harry's face that he wanted nothing more than to get out of there.

"Come on, Harry," Amie said quietly in Harry's ear, grabbing his arm and steering him across the room. She had seen Colin and Dennis Creevey trying to get to Harry, and she knew Harry had seen them as well. Amie dragged Harry to the portrait, and just as it opened, Hermione was there.

"Hello," she said, handing out some toasts for Amie and Harry. "I brought you this... Want to go for a walk?"

"Good idea," Harry smiled gratefully, and the three of them walked downstairs, past the Great Hall, and out onto the grounds.

They walked around the lake, as Harry told Hermione, with some help from Amie, what had happened after Harry's name was called.

"Well, of course I knew you hadn't entered yourself," said Hermione as Harry finished. "The look on your face when Dumbledore called out your name!"

Amie sent Harry a look, and he nodded while rolling his eyes.

"But the question is, who did put it in? Because Moody's right, Harry... I don't think any student could have done it... they'd never be able to fool the Goblet, or get over Dumbledore's -"

"Have you seen Ron?" Harry interrupted her.

"Erm... yes... he was at breakfast," Hermione said hesitantly.

"Does he still think I entered myself?"

"Well... no, I don't think so... not really..." Hermione said awkwardly.

"What's that supposed to mean, 'not really'?"

"Harry, don't take this the wrong way, but..." Amie said sadly. "he's probably jealous!"

"Jealous?" said Harry shocked. "Jealous of what? He wants to make a prat out of himself in front of the entire school, does he?"

"Amie's right, Harry," Hermione said, and as Harry opened his mouth to argue, Hermione continued. "No, Harry, look - it's always you who gets the attention, you know it is. I know it isn't his fault," she said quickly as Harry opened his mouth furiously. "I know you don't ask for it... but - well - you know, Ron's got all those brothers  to compete against at home, and you're his best friend, and you're really famous - he's always shunted to one side whenever people see you, and he puts up with it, and he never mentions it, but I suppose this is just one time too many..."

"Great," said Harry bitterly. "Really great. Tell him from me I'll swap anytime he wants. Tell him from me he's welcome to it... People gawping at my forehead everywhere I go..."

"I'm not telling him anything," said Hermione. "Tell him yourself. It's the only way to sort this out,"

"I'm not running around after him trying to make him grow up!" yelled Harry, making a group of owls take flight in alarm. "Maybe he'll believe I'm not enjoying myself once I've got my neck broken, or -"

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now