Awkwardness and an early morning

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When they got down into the kitchen, they found Mrs. Weasley in a very foul mood.

"We're eating out in the garden," she said when they walked in. "There's just not enough room for twelve people in here. Could you take the plates outside, girls?"

While Mrs. Weasley kept talking to Harry and Ron, Amie, Hermione and Ginny took the plates and went outside. Loud bangs of wood crashing together could be heard from the other side of the house, and when the three of them entered the garden, they understood what it was. Bill and Charlie were using their wands to make the tables bang into each other up in the air. Fred and George stood a few feet away, cheering them on. While Hermione positioned herself close to the hedge, looking a bit anxious, but at the same time trying to suppress a grin, Amie stayed with Ginny who started to giggle.

"I can't wait until I'm allowed to use my wand outside of Hogwarts," Amie sighed.

"Me too," Ginny nodded.

A while later, Ron and Harry joined them in the garden, carrying the cutlery. A second later, Bill's table banged against Charlie's, and one leg flew off. There was a blare from above, and they all looked up to see that Percy had opened his window and was looking down on them.

"Will you keep it down!" he yelled angrily.

"Sorry, Perce," Bill grinned. "How're the cauldron bottoms coming on?"

"Very badly," Percy replied, and then he slammed the window shut.

Chuckling to themselves, Bill and Charlie directed the tables to the grass, next to each other. Then Bill re-attached the table leg and conjured tablecloths.

Amie, Hermione and Ginny put the plates in the right places, and the boys sorted out the cutlery. Then they could do whatever they wanted until dinner. Since Amie had always liked being outdoors, she took a walk in the garden with Ginny before heading inside. Ginny told her about certain parts of the garden where she'd played during her childhood.

"Must have been great growing up here, surrounded by the trees, fresh air." Amie sighed.

"Yeah, it was." Ginny agreed. "Come on, let's go inside and change our clothes, you've got some grass stains on your jeans."


After a quick change in Ginny's room, Amie left the bedroom to visit the bathroom. Since the door was open, Amie stepped right in -- and stopped dead in her tracks.

Standing in front of her was George. A very naked George. He'd just gotten out of the shower, and had frozen when she stepped in, his arm was outstretched towards a towel hanging on the wall. His mouth was open in shock, as well as his eyes. They stood there, looking at each other for a second, until George's brain started working again. He snatched the towel off the wall and covered himself.

"Amie!" he shouted. Amie jumped in the air, and covered her eyes with her hands.

"Sorry!" she squealed. "I didn't see anything, honest!"

But she had. She'd seen his toned bare chest and his abs - probably the result of Quidditch-practices. She'd seen the water running down said abs, down to the region that made her blush furiously.

"Don't give me that," snorted George, rather red in the face (though Amie, of course, didn't see that). "Let's just -- forget it happened, okay?"

Amie nodded, to shy to take her hands off her face and show her red cheeks. She turned around and fumbled for the door handle. She could hear George chuckling behind her back, and it only deepened her blush. Finally, she escaped the bathroom and stood in the hallway, panting.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now