A dating day?

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Halfway through January there was a Hogsmeade trip. Amie and George were going together, and Amie felt it was exactly what she needed - with Hagrid locked up in his hut, Draco acting like a big git and the second task of the tournament coming ever closer, Amie needed a stress-relief.

"You ready?" George asked, smiling at Amie and taking her hand. Amie smiled sweetly back at him, but she knew the smile didn't reach her eyes - did George see it?

"Are you okay?" George asked, his smile fading, and a frown upon his face.

"I'm fine, George. It's just, I'm worried about Hagrid - he has been cooping up in his hut since that article came out," Amie said, putting her face in the crook of his neck and wrapping her arms around his waist.

"He'll be fine, Ames," George comforted. "Once he realizes no one who knows him cares about it, he'll go back to his own self,"

"For that to happen he has to let us talk to him!" Amie groaned.

"You know what?" George said. "Tonight, if he still hasn't left his hut, we'll blast his door in, okay?"

Amie chuckled and leaned back to look at her boyfriend.

"You're the best," she said, giving him a peck on the lips.

"I am, aren't I?" George said, looking thoughtful. Then he and Amie both laughed.

"So, who's Fred going to Hogsmeade with?" Amie said a while later, as the two of them walked hand in hand through the slushy snow-covered road to Hogsmeade, surrounded by students.

"Angelina," George said. "And Lee's going with Alicia. They're doing a 'double-date'," he scoffed.

"Good thing we didn't join them," Amie laughed. "We'd be forced to go to Madam Puddifoot or whatever that place is called - I'd rather die!"

George laughed loudly.

"This is why I love you, Amie!" he exclaimed.

It suddenly went very quiet. Amie'd stopped in her tracks, gaping at George. They'd been dating for a few weeks, and Amie already knew how George felt about her, but he'd never told her he loved her before. How are you supposed to react?

"Amie... I -" George said uncertainly. Amie shook her head, and smiled. Without another word, she stood on her toes and kissed him, wrapping her hands around his neck. They stood there for a while, wet snow falling around them as they kissed.

"Come on," Amie said, stepping back and taking his hand again. "Let's go to Zonko's, you need to fill up yours and Fred's stock,"


A while later, once Amie and George were done with all their shopping, they decided to go to the Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer. While George orderered, Amie joined Hermione and Ron who were sitting at a table further in.

"Hey guys!" Amie said happily, sitting down.

"Hi," they replied in unison, looking distractedly over to the bar.

"What's going on?" Amie frowned, turning so she could see the bar too. Harry was standing there, talking to -

"Is that Mr. Bagman?" Amie asked in confusion. At that moment, Fred and George walked up to Harry and Mr. Bagman, and only seconds later Bagman left in a hurry. Harry and George walked over to Amie and the others.

"What did he want?" Ron asked Harry the moment they sat down - George next to Amie.

"He offered to help me with the golden egg," Harry said.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now