And there goes hope

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"Harry?" Amie gasped, spinning around. "Where's Harry? Dumbledore!"

Amie'd watched as Dumbledore told the Diggory's that their son was dead. They were now sobbing as they approached their dead son. Dumbledore was watching them, but as Amie called out, his eyes snapped to hers, and then widened. He hurried over.

"Where did he go?" he said, straight to the point.

"I don't know!" Amie said in a panicked voice. "Last I saw, Moody was holding him, I -"

Amie could see the look on Dumbledore's face turn from worried to outright scared.

"Stay here, Miss Jones," he said. "Comfort the Diggory's if you can. You knew Cedric,"

Amie nodded, and Dumbledore hurried away from the pitch, taking Professors' McGonagall and Snape with him. Before he did that, however, he had a quick word with Professor Sprout.

Calmer now that Amie knew Dumbledore would find Harry, Amie turned to the situation at hand. She turned around and walked over to Mr. and Mrs. Diggory, who were sitting by Cedric's side, crying.

"Mr. Diggory?" Amie said softly, sitting down next to them without looking at Cedric. Cedric's father looked up at her, his eyes puffy with crying, his arm around his wife. His eyes sparked with recognition.

"Amie?" he said, his voice breaking.

"I was friends with - with Cedric," Amie said, unable to be unaffected by their grief. 

"He spoke of you," Mrs. Diggory spoke up. "He said you were one of his closest friends,"

Amie smiled, happy that Cedric thought so highly of her.

"I need you to do something for me," Amie said, hoping that the Diggory's wouldn't be angry at her. They had just lost their son - who was she to demand something of them? But it needed to be done.

"What is it?" said Mr. Diggory in a defeated voice.

"I know it sounds incredible, but... there is a way to bring Cedric back,"

The Diggory's looked up at her with stunned faces.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" said Mr. Diggory.

"No. No! I am telling the truth, honest!" Amie said.

"How?" said Mrs. Diggory, looking down at her son with hope in her eyes.

"It'll take some time," Amie said. "About three years, I think,"

"What needs to be done?" Mrs. Diggory continued.

"All you have to do, is not bury him," Amie said. "For him to come back, I need to have access to him,"

"How do we know you're not just leading us on?" Mr. Diggory said.

"Cedric trusted me," Amie said. "That'll have to be enough, otherwise I cannot help you,"

"Won't his - his body start to break down?" Mrs. Diggory asked.

"No." Amie said. "He will stay the same until he comes back. If it's to hard for you to keep him in your house, I can fix something for -"

"No!" Mrs. Diggory exclaimed. "We will care for him. He can lie in his room, we'll come up with something,"

"Thank you," Amie said. "I'm sorry to say this, but you have to pretend. I need you to act like you've lost your son,"

"Believe me," said Mr. Diggory. "That won't be hard,"

From the look on his face, Amie knew he was telling the truth.


 Amie left the Diggory's after that to go find George. She knew she'd left Cedric in good hands, now all she worried about was Harry.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now