Chapter 1 A burning awakening,

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"Damn it. Why am I even doing this?"

I leaned back on my chair, stretching my arms.

As usual, today was a calm and peaceful day in the laboratory. A new batch of samples from the newly discovered mold was just delivered to us, making the highlight of my day.

It was an interesting sort, capable of surviving under freezing temperatures, and it seemed to be highly resistible to flames. Some of my coworkers even started to call it the 'Immortal Mold.'

I didn't care about what they called it; I was still working on the samples of parasitic fungus that have infested some of the cattle in New Zealand.

If things weren't clear enough, I was a mycologist, a biologist who specialize in mushrooms and molds. My laboratory is at Harvard University, we are examining samples that we receive from all around the world.

Usually, I stay at my desk, surfing on the internet while waiting for the test results of my projects but today something very annoying happened.

The IT guy who usually took care of our computer took out his vacation, right when my computer's system burned out. Since no one amongst us other than me could use a computer other than to check their emails, I had to fix this thing.

"I need a drink. Or four."

Just when I stood up and put my white lab coat on, a group of people marched in.

"Hey, Phill! Are you busy?"

It was the head- researcher who was also my boss, Professor Hawkins.

He was a cheerful, middle-aged man with a wrinkled face, who always wore a Hawaiian shirt under his coat, which I was sure broke a couple of regulations.

"Just finished checking my computer. It's completely fried, it will take some time for it to work again."

"Well, I am sure that it will work out again. Can I ask you for a favor?"

"If it's not over my paygrade then yes."

"HAHAHAHA! You will go old fast if you worry about money so much! You see, my grandson and his friends are interested in what we are doing here, can you show them the storage?"

I looked behind him, seeing a group of high school boys and girls all looking extremely bored.

It was understandable, our research department wasn't the most interesting place in this world. Plus, neither of them looked like the types who were the type to understand it.

Each one of them was well built and muscular, one of the girls even had brown tanned skin with blond hair.

What are they called again? Gacha, Gachu, or something?

To me, they looked like the sort of kids who used to beat me up when I was still in high school.

"Professor, do I have to remind you that this place isn't for visitors. We are surrounded by fragile and costly materials. Especially in the storage."

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