Chapter 12. Peace before the storm.

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-One week later, Angela's POV:

"Break it!"

The knights kicked the door open as they rushed into the building, holding several silver wands, with magic gemstones embedded into their ends, capable of firing several fireballs at the same time.

As I entered after them the house, I immediately saw the signs which I feared the most.

The wood frame of the house was almost entirely covered in that disgusting green fungus I started to hate.

Contrary to the cold day outside the air here, was hot and moist as if I was standing


As the knight shouted, a disgusting monster leaped onto him, its claws tearing through his armor as if it was made from paper!

"Burn it!"

At my command, the other knights surrounding them quickly cast their magic onto the monster, burning it together with its prey's body!

"Don't falter! Push forward!"

As we went further into the house, the one we were looking for stepped out from the shadow.

A tall figure, wearing a black robe and having a brown sack over his head.

"Leave... Or...Die..."

"Attack! Don't let it escape!"

The knight aimed at the mysterious individual, but they couldn't fire fast enough as it jumped on the nearest one, tearing its head off with its bare hands.

Before anybody could react, he grabbed the nearest one, crushed his shoulder, then using an inhuman strength,


As it roared at us, I jumped over to it kicking it in the head.

It wasn't a strong strike, but it was enough for pushing him away a little.

"Fly! Advanced Wind Strikes!"

Using the power gifted me by the Words of the World, a light green surrounded my swords, enhancing my slashes greatly.

Piercing his shoulder, he screamed in an unhuman voice, before pushing me away with a stomach kick.


As he held his wounded shoulder, a cloud of black smoke started to escape from the eye sockets of the mask.

"Wind Flow!"

Spinning my blades very fast, I created a strong air current, keeping the smoke screen at bay.

Once it dispersed completely, the man wearing the bag disappeared, probably escaping through the open window in front of me.

"Shit not again."

This was the fifth time we found an infected house this week, with its inhabitants turning into these disgusting monsters.

It's spreading. We need to do something to contain this thing.

"Captain, you need to see this."

One of the uninjured knights pointed me at the room from where the monster jumped out.

From what I could tell, it used to be a bedroom, with its furniture broken into tiny pieces and laying on the floor.

What caught my attention was the writing on the walls, painted with god knows what.

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