Chapter 20. I hate my job

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"Come one. Come on. Beat!"

Channeling more power into the crystal, the green heart finally started to move.

"Yes, yes, YES!"


The heart ruptured, its pieces splashing all over in the jar.

"Damn it!"

I hit the flask in anger, almost breaking it.

"Too much discharge. I need to limit it. Or find a stronger heart. I should check out if there are other bodies around. Is there a morgue around here?"

I put back the stone in my pocket and ventured out of my lab.

Contrary to what they thought, I did go out from my lab, invisible but still.

Walking through the complicated corridors, I arrived at an open area of the castle.

This was the training ground. A Colosseum-like area, with sand on the ground and people hitting each other with wooden swords or attacking the scarecrow dummies.

Nobody noticed me, I walked to one of the trainees, an insectoid monster, a daughter of the King.

Imagine a human woman, with dark chitin armor on her arms and legs, which were too thin to support anything, skin slightly gray, compound eyes, and two small mandibles poking out from the corners of her mouth.

Don't know what sort of taste the King has, but it isn't the same as mine. I like my woman's normal, thank you.

"Lady... Margaret, right? I have a favor to ask you."

"Hmmm, oh it's you, the doctor. What do you want?"

Damn it, her voice was so annoying, those clicking mandibles are disgusting.

"The King told me to find you. I need live test subjects for my strength serums' upcoming experiments. If you have unneeded people, I would gladly take them off your hands."

" ... No, I have none. I already gave you a body-"

"The King did."

"-And I find the idea of you cutting up the bodies of our soldiers distasteful."

"Doesn't your species eat rats and insects? An insect eating insect, that's cannibalism, right?"

I might have pushed the wrong buttons, Margaret gave me a death glare and cracked her armored fist.

"Don't forget who you are talking to, physician. With my authority, I can get rid of you in a heartbeat."

We looked at each other for a while, waiting for the first one of us to make a move, when something hit me on the shoulder.


I grabbed it and pulled it out, making my black blood splatter on the ground.

It was a small knife; the sort of assassin would use.

"What the F-"

God knows how, I moved my head away just in time, the next knife only slightly cutting my left cheek.

"Tch, I missed."

The one who threw the knives was one of the training soldiers, a half ox beast human.

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