Chapter 6. Flies

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-a month later-

In the tavern nearest to the Great Holy Church, called Broken Broom, several holy knights and adventurers were drinking happily.

Usually, these two groups hated each other but tonight was a special night. Early this morning in joining forces they finally busted and imprisoned the last of the Big Three families of the holy city.

The Big Three Families were the rot of this city, controlling every corrupt business of the city, be it prostitution, drugs, murder, or bribery.

All three mighty beasts fell by the hands of a single woman, whose bravery and recklessness, helped the holy knight get their hands on the documents which incriminated them, all in a single month.

Something like that never happened, people were beaming with excitement and pride.

Yet, there was somebody who wasn't happy.

Sitting in one of the single rooms of the hotel, the star of the day, Angela was looking at herself.

During the month her case worsened.

The green rashes have grown on, now covering her entire chest, neck, and lower jaw. A thin line even spread to her left eye, coloring it green, coloring the left side of her vision in a green tingg.

The black bumps have ceased to appear, thanks to a special cream she used, but she still could feel them growing in her insides.

She claped her hands, trying to fight the disgust which was veiling inside of her.

In a month she took down the three most dangerous people in the city, saving countless lives, and making corrupt leaders fall, and yet she found nothing.

Not a single clue about who that man wearing that sac was, or the substance he threw at her. It was as if he disappeared from the surface of the world.

Angry she hit the mirror with her fist, shattering it into little pieces.

Due to her strength, she cut her knuckle, but she didn't care about it, since she couldn't feel it. She or the people examining her couldn't figure out the reason why she lost the sensation of pain, they guessed it was because the infection reached some nerve in the back of her neck, dampening the sensation.

"One month has already passed. And this is getting worse."

The doctors examined her several times but still couldn't find a way to heal her. The only thing that kept her going is the antidote that she drank each day.

Knock. Knock.

She quickly hid her hand, not to make her comrades worried, and covered her lower face with a scarf she bought recently.

"It's open."

The door slowly opened, revealing a knight pushing in a worried-looking middle-aged man, who was holding a small wooden box.

"Lady Angela, this person claims that he possesses something that might interest you."

"...Right, you may let him in."

To maximize the chance of finding that guy, she posted a request in the adventurer guild, with a sizable reward for whoever finds him first, hoping that the masses' greed for coins would speed up the search.

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