Chapter 28. Underground Life.

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Where I was right now was the kayeri training grounds built directly under the normal training grounds, where my soldiers could train to their heart's content.

This place was mostly used by the Hecaton who had the most fights of the bunch.

As I descended, I took off my mask, breathed in the spore-filled air, then walked to the area dedicated to long-range training.

Once I drank some mana replenishing potions, I tried out all my new prayers, after each use, I wrote down the incantation and what it did into my book, adding it into my arsenal.

After an hour and a couple of mana potions, I wrote every prayer into my book.

"Ugh, feel sick. Need to vomit... at least I have some more, a bucket!"

Once my stomach was empty, I breathed in deeply, thinking about my future.

"Who am I kidding? What I did to the prince will have repercussions. I should prepare for it mentally...and stall a little bit."

Not wanting to be shouted at, I went deeper into the tunnels, humming a song to myself.



I can barely tell what's real.

How am I supposed to feel

When my heart is shattered in my chest?

Everyday is a tragedy.

I don't wanna be this way.

I just want to find a way to rest.

I can rest in peace.


When I fall to pieces in my sleep.

I can rest in peace.


When I fall to pieces in my sleep.

Tell me where I'm safe.

I am better in a grave, I won't bother, I'm a waste of help.

I can run away, but trying as I may, I am not gonna escape myself.-

(RIP by 8 Graves.)

-"And I forgot the rest of the lines! I wonder, with my current skills, can I write my own songs? That would be nice."

Going through the moldy tunnels I arrived at the part that I referred to as the main area.

This is where most of the houses were built from stones and clay. Wood was used too, but it was quickly eaten by the mold, so the habitats were a little spartan, which didn't seem to bother the residents.

There were even stone roads, stretching through the fields of white flowers giving the place a civilized look.

As I walked on the road, the residents bowed down before me and welcomed me as if I were a king or something. At first, it bothered me greatly but I soon got used to it.

"Father...We found...something."

Towering over me was one of the Hecaton. He was also wearing the same leather clothing as the other residents did, its arms the only thing exposed.

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