Chapter 27

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~smut warning~

The next morning. Oh boy I'm really not in the mood to go to work today, but I know that as soon as I get there, it will be fun again. Tom was still asleep and since I always need a little longer than him, I let him sleep a little longer too. I take my skirt, which I always wear to work, out of the wardrobe and am about to reach for my shirt, but I reach for nothing. I take a closer look in the wardrobe and see that there really is nothing there. All my work shirts are either dirty or in the wash. So there is not a single shirt I could wear except one, a rather old one to be precise. I wonder if it still fits me. With my skirt, shirt and underwear, I go into the bathroom to change. First I pull the skirt up my legs that I know still fits me. Then I put on my bra to put on my shirt. It is blue and white striped like a work shirt so it should fit. I tuck my arms into the sleeves, it already feels a little tight. I painstakingly button one button after the other until it gets tricky when it comes to my chest area. I don't have the biggest breasts but in an old shirt like this one that is too small they stand out. I button the last button and look in the mirror, and I was right. The button right between my breasts is about to burst. If my breasts were even a little bit bigger, I'm sure they would burst too.
"Ughh" I groan to myself, desperately running my hand through my hair. I can't possibly go to work like this. I already get looks from men who are lonely, perverted or just plain weird, and with a shirt like that I only make things worse. But I have no other choice. I always have to look good for work. I put some hair spray in my hair just to give it more volume, but then I leave the bathroom and go back to my room. Of course Tom is still fast asleep, I swear if there were no alarm clocks in this world, this boy could sleep forever. Just as I was checking my outfit in the mirror of my wardrobe, I saw Tom's figure waking up on my bed in the background. His eyes flew straight to my ass, not knowing that I could see him through the mirror.
"Good morning sleepyhead" I say, smiling at him through the mirror. His eyes look up in surprise until they find mine in the mirror. He does not answer. Instead, he stands up and pulls his trousers up his legs. I can't help but watch his every move, it's just so hot how his abs twitch with every movement. He pulls up his fly, then reaches for his belt. In the meantime, I turn to him while he is still doing his belt. To help, I pick up his t-shirt which is lying right next to my feet and press it against his chest when he is done, finally making him look up at me. Now he really sees me from the front for the first time today.
"Here" I add while his hands take the T-shirt pressed to his chest. A smirk forms on his face which I have no idea how it came.
"that's what you're going to wear to work today? such a tease babygirl" His eyes glide down my body, smirking with every centimetre he descends.
"Don't be like that, I didn't have another shirt. This is my only one right now because the others are in the washing machine or dirty" I explain, but that doesn't let the smirk on his face disappear.
"Oh I believe you that they are dirty. Just. Like. Me-" He whispers seductive, with space between the last words.
"oh get out already you pervert" I laugh and push him out of my room by the shoulders until he is finally in his room. Harrison is fortunately still in the shower himself, so I can start breakfast in peace. Not five minutes later, Harrison joins me. Then Tom too.
"I think we should have dinner together sometime" Harrison starts the conversation with a lot of motivation, but that's just how my brother is. In a good mood. Actually, he's always in a good mood. I have not yet seen him cry often during the last years.
"But we already have dinner together like... every day" Tom speaks up with a mouth full of cornflakes, his eyebrows raised slightly in confusion.
"No, I mean real dinner. Let's go to a restaurant. I'll ask Jenna if she wants to come. We could have, like, a double date." harrison explains excitedly, but at the word 'double date' I choked on my orange juice and started coughing. Tom also seemed to be frightened by the word, because he also started to choke on his cornflakes. Did my brother find out that we slept together? better question, does he not mind?
Harrison's facial expression quickly changed from excitement to confusion as to why we were both coughing so much.
"a double date?" tom asks, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
"yeah... a double date. I don't really mean that, of course. After all, you're not together. Because that would be weird too....Right?" Harrison looks at us with a suspicious look.
"Totally!" Tom agrees. I nod.
"Yeah gross" I add. Nervously, my brother starts to laugh. He gets up and takes his things to the kitchen. My gaze wanders up to Tom, both of us with a hint of relief on our faces.
"gross?" he whispers angrily to me
"What was I supposed to say? You agreed." I shrug my shoulders and pack up my dishes to take them to the kitchen as well.
"I don't know, but I'm not gross" he whispers/grumbles at me while walking next to me with his bowl and his glass.
"Fine sorreeyy!" I put my dishes down and go back to Harrison, who is just putting on his jacket.
"Really? You're gonna wear that to work?" my brother now also asks curiously, pointing to my somewhat tight shirt.
"I have nothing else" I explain desperately
"take one of my hoodies" he suggests.
"Harrison, they're way too big"
"Then wear one of Tom's, they are still too big, but not quite as big as mine" He answers, shrugging his shoulders. Tom also enters the hallway, having overheard the conversation.
"No thanks, then I might as well wear one of mine. I just want to come with work-appropriate clothes. Is that too much to ask?" Harrison rolls his eyes, but then shakes his head and walks out of the flat. I'm honest, I feel a little bit hot in this shirt. Which is one of the reasons why I don't wear any of Tom's hoodies. Of course, I also put it on because, as I said, I want to come to work in work clothes. I like to feel important in a company like this.
"you're such a bad girl you know that?" says tom with a smirk, making me roll my eyes blushing and follow harrison.

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