Part 51

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I had dragged Tom to the shark coaster, ready to see him throw up, but with tickets in hand we unfortunately had to wait in line a little longer. Luckily there weren't too many people in front of us though, which on the opposite meant that Tom now had a better chance of running away.
"if I throw up, it's your fault." He said, looking down at me from the side with a sarcastic grin.
"that's the point, silly." standing on tip toes to look over the shoulders of those in front of us, I quickly checked how much longer we had to wait. Come on, how long does a ride take?


1:46. That was the answer. 1 minute and 46 long seconds we spun around while riding circles in the mouth of a huge shark.
I don't know how it happened, when it happened, or who did it first, but about halfway through I was already holding onto Tom's hand for dear life, while nuzzling my face in his neck. It was spinning faster than it looked on the outside!

"Are you alright?" Tom asked with a laugh, holding me to help as we got out.
My brain felt like jello, so no, the complete opposite to be honest.
"Yeah" I told him. "Great, you?" he let out another one of his little chuckles, nodding softly.
"Yeah I'm good darling. Was more fun than I thought." Son of a bitch! more fun than he thought?! it was fucking terrifying!
I slowly let go of his hand again. My circulation was slowly coming back.
Hell, when I was little, I didn't have problems like that. Or it was just because I hadn't been on roller coaster attractions for a long time. But my vision definitely remained blurry for a moment.

Still, I wanted to try more roller coasters and other attractions!


After 2 hours we had gone through most of it. I raced Tom on the 'speed-rider' or whatever it was called, but lost. Therefore won at air hockey later on. I had to admit that Tom was a better winner than me. I know normally it should be loser, but in my case it was winner. When he won, he bought me a candyfloss as a consolation, which I obviously shared with him, having had enough sugar already, and well, when I won, I threw my hands up in the air, yelling things like. "Take that loser!" or "Not everyone can be as good as me..." But Tom mostly just chuckled, shaking his head slowly, while staring at me with that smile on his lips. That smile that I couldn't make out what it meant, but I liked it. It made him look... happy?

We also danced on these dance machines to the song "never ending story". It was the only song we both knew out of all the songs there were to choose from, but well, what can I say, Tom won. I wasn't even sad, the step combination was way too fast anyway, especially for someone like me. I don't know how Tom did so well, but I was impressed.

"Oh look at this teddy bear! I want it!" I shouted, pointing at the giant teddy bear hanging on the wall of a shooting booth. What an irony...
"Really? isn't it a little too.. big?" Tom was right, the bear would only fit in the car if you squeezed it, that's how big it was. But it looked so fluffy... I couldn't help myself.
"Yes, but just look at it..." And Tom did. Took a second glance while debating something deep in his thoughts. With a big sigh and a little huff, he made his way towards the booth.
Wait, is he really going to try win me the bear?
"how much for the bear?" he asked the salesman ostentatiously, already taking his wallet out of his pocket. How romantic...
But what he didn't notice was the look of the salesman. Tight jeans, black tank top with an even blacker leather jacket on top. Long grey hair tied in a braid, a beard that almost reached his chest, and a tattoo that went from his neck down to his right arm. Yep, he looked like a grumpy motorcyclist in his mid-50s.
"Can't you read? If you want the bear, you have to win it." Even his voice was rough, deep and somehow sharp. Could have cut a carrot into small pieces, let me tell you.

Tom rolled his eyes, read over the sign with the rules, and then looked at the prices before handing the man 20 dollars.
"40 shots please." Satisfied with the amount of money, the salesman loaded the pistol for Tom to try his luck. Since most of the other tempters were either teenagers or aggressive men who took out their anger at the shooting booth, they usually chose the offer 10 shots for 6 dollars. It was therefore a small profit for the owner to make 20 dollars all at once.
"Now watch, don't learn, but watch!" I giggled at Tom's announcement. Whose saying used to be 'watch and learn' now changed to 'watch, don't learn, but watch' as Tom definitely didn't want me to learn to shoot. I guess I was already too scary. Or Tom was afraid that I would kick his ass at this booth too. Damn, see? This is what I mean by too much sugar. Now I'm too full of myself.

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