Part 34

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"hey Baby-" At that moment, when Cassie's voice rang in the both of our ears, Tom switched on his reflexes that I had never known about. He stopped kissing me, but leaned further into me until he grabbed the remote behind me and jumped away again, all together in just a second. Now we can only pray that Cassie didn't see the kiss.
"Got it!" he calls, distracting from the kiss, and pointing to the remote control which he was holding high in his hand.
"The remote control? But baby, we're ordering food now. You can't watch TV" Cassie points out. She walks past him into the kitchen and takes a glass from the wall cupboard. Not knowing anything about what just happened. Phew.
Relief took over both our faces, she didn't see anything. Of course I don't think it's good that she's still with us as Tom's girlfriend, but on the other hand I understand that Tom wants to explain it to her calmly and she won't find out by catching him cheating. Cause seriously guys, In my eyes, no one deserves to be cheated on. Either you are madly in love with a person, or you break up with them, but before you cheat because you have fallen in love with someone else, you should break up with them! Love is a thing you shouldn't play with, because love can cut pretty, fucking, deep.
I followed Tom into the kitchen, one metre distance between us. By now we were all gathered in the kitchen again.
Tom leaned his arms on the kitchen island opposite me, his gaze fixed on his thumbs playing with each other. He was distracted, didn't look like he was concentrating on anything around him, more like he was deep in thought about something else, I couldn't quiet make out what tho. Harrison started talking to the vietnamese restaurant on the phone, listing one dish after another, including Jenna's. It wasn't until Cassie took Tom's jaw in her hand and turned his head towards her that he became aware of his surroundings again. She kissed him with as much passion as if Harrison and I weren't even in the kitchen, gross. Well, Harrison is too busy to list the dishes anyway, but I could see everything. Luckily I could also see that Tom was uncomfortable with the situation, he only half kissed her back while his eyes flicked to me in panic.
"What's wrong Tommy baby, you seem so... distracted" she told Tom in her put-on baby voice. His eyes flickered to me, which she noticed. When her eyes met mine, I quickly looked everywhere but her eyes. After all, I didn't want her to catch me staring, but I think she did anyway. She quickly looked back at Tom, though, thinking nothing of it.
"Sorry... Baby." He hesitated with the apology, struggling to get the words out, but Cassie was too conceited to even notice. That's the thing about her. She is pretty, really pretty. Probably 10 times prettier than I'll ever be, but she's also pretty cocky about some things. She may look great, but she has a really annoying character that she doesn't seem to notice. She thinks every male sex sees her as a perfect little angel they can do whatever they want with, but the worst thing is, she likes it too. She likes the attention she gets from the boys, I noticed that back then, but Tom not so much. He was always the proud boyfriend in highschool.
"If you want, we can go in your room later, and I don't know, I thought maybe you would like to help me unpack my stuff..." Tom immediately catched the sexual innuendo, blushing slightly at her flirtatious voice. I rolled my eyes, bitch...
"yes, no, let's eat first and then see what we'll do." he stuttered out his words. She shrugged, muttering a 'whatever' before taking her bottle of water and drinking a big gulp. Tom leaned over the kitchen island again, looking at me with pleading eyes but still annoyed by his behaviour towards her, I rolled my eyes again and walked back to the couch. Only a minute later, Harrison hung up.
"Okay, the delivery guy will be here in 45 minutes. Jenna should come within the next 5 minutes." Tom nodded, Cassie replied with a simple okay, then walking away, and I didn't even look up from my phone. I was on instagram, just scrolling through my friends' photos, so why pay attention to what was going on in the kitchen?
My mobile vibrated and a message popped up. Tom?
I blushed because I thought of you Darling!
I raised an eyebrow and looked up at him. His begging eyes already fixed on my figure, mobile phone still in his hands. I didn't know what to say, so I ignored his message, scrolling through instagram again.
You know, I was thinking about helping you unpack...
another message popped up from him. My eyes immediately widened, a slight tinge of pink forming on my cheeks. I looked up at him again, shaking my head as a sign of 'you didn't..' but he just smirked.
does not work.
I replied to his attempt at flirting. On my lips, a warm smirk as I waited for his answer. My tongue sucked on my teeth, and Tom's eyes watched my every move before his fingers typed a new message.
oh no? just wait and see
He propped himself up from the kitchen island and shoved his mobile phone into his pocket. With a smirk on his lips because he thinks he has won, he goes into his room to Cassie. I didn't mind though. I trusted Tom with it, and I knew he doesn't want anything from cassie anymore anyway.
Just a few minutes later Jenna arrived and hugged Harrison, which I watched from the couch, before Cassie and Tom also came out of his room. So I had no choice and got up to greet Jenna too. I hugged her second, then did Tom and lastly Cassie.
Her eyes immediately flicked back and forth between Cassie and me, a wry smile on her lips and even Harrison felt that the tension in the air was comical.
"I'll go and set the table with Jenna, Y/N be a dear and help us, oh and Tom, you can go on unpacking with Cassie until the food arrives." Harrison spoke up. I knew what he was doing, he was trying to keep Tom and me apart. He knows there's something between us so he's doing his best to keep us apart. He knows how vulnerable I can be if Tom breaks my heart. Harrison is just trying to protect me but I'm sure this one time it will all work out. Yes, I'm really fucking sure about that !

I am so incredibly sorry that nothing came last week. Unfortunately, I was too tired to write much last week, and that's why this part is a bit shorter. But hopefully the next parts will be more exciting for you. I will try to publish another part this week !

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