Chapter 29

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I wish I could explain how it got to this point, but I don't even know myself. Beautiful stunning diamond lamps hang from the ceilings everywhere, waiters pass us in their fancy uniforms and piano is played softly in the background. Not to mention all the fine people who sit here in suits and dresses, wearing their most expensive earrings and necklaces which are probably made of plastic.

Yeap, you guessed it right. It's Friday and me, Tom, Harrison and his girlfriend Jenna have just arrived at the restaurant. One of the older waiters led us to our table right by the window. And I know that normally you have a mediocre view of the street, but in our case you have a beautiful view of half of new york. Harrison actually managed to get a table in one of the best restaurants near here. It's called peak or something like that. So we kind of sit in one of the skyscrapers of new york, enjoying the view. I sit directly at the window and have the best view. Tom on my right, Harrison opposite me and Jenna opposite Tom.
"I would pay anything for this view," I look down enthusiastically at the streets that lead straight through to more skyscrapers. All the lights from different flats, from taxis driving through the streets, or maybe just street lamps are twinkling like stars on our restaurant.
"I totally agree with you sis. This view is breathtaking" Harrison says. I look up at him, see him looking excitedly and enchantingly at the shining city. Then my eyes move a little more to the right and I see Jenna looking at Harrison completely in love. A smile forms on my lips, and with that smile I turn to Tom to see what his facial expression, but as I turn to him I see him already staring at me, as if he has been looking at me for some time.
"yeah... I agree... the view is beautiful..." tom agrees quietly, almost in a whisper, but his eyes don't leave mine for a second. He is fixated on me, only me and I smile, placing my hand under the table on his, which is resting on his knee. He grips it directly, stroking my knuckles gently with his thumb. After a minute, I avert my eyes from him and turn back to the table, seeing Jenna's gaze fixed on Tom and me. I give her a small smile and look over at Harrison who is still busy enjoying the view.
"Welcome to 'Peak new york' my name is Evan and I will be serving you tonight so if you need anything please contact me" His gaze passes over everyone once, but when he catches my eyes, his words slowly slow down and he stops talking after the sentence without asking if we already want to order a drink or anything else. I smile sweetly at him, catching him blushing a little and smile back at me.
"Good evening Evan, we'd like to have the Château Cheval Blanc" my brother speaks up, ordering an expensive wine with a strong british accent. The waiter smiles at Harrison, then writes down his order and nods at us again before leaving.
"weirdo" Tom mumbles in an annoyed tone, which I suppress and concentrate on Harrison and Jenna. The night goes on and only a few minutes later our wine is served.
"Before we toast, I would like to say that I am glad that we are all here today and I hope that we will have a nice evening." my brother says, raising his glass. We all toast with big smiles on our lips and taste the expensive wine together. A few times there were little moments where Tom and I looked at each other and just couldn't stop staring at each other. I don't think Harrison ever noticed our stares, he's always a little too distracted by the smallest things. For example, just 5 minutes ago, he swore he saw a shooting star and continued to stare at the exact same spot for another 3 minutes, and I used this time to look at tom, the man for who I am falling for, more and more.
When our food was eventually served we started eating straight away and admittedly the food in restaurants like this usually tastes awful and the portions are always pretty small, but this dinner was just delicious, well maybe expensive but with this view it was definitely worth it. When we were all done eating, we sat around the table and talked or laughed most of the time...
"so yeah, jenna and I are really happy together" Harrison says after a while of talking about his and jenna's relationship, then looks into Jenna's eyes totally in love. She smiles and gives him a quick peck on the mouth before they turn back to us. Tom and I just sit in front of them, looking at them awkwardly with wide eyes.
"Well, but tom, what about cassie? I haven't heard from her in a while" Stupid topic harrison, he broke up with her, you must know that. Duh.
"Um yeah... everything is fine between us" My eyes widen at his statement, do my best to hide it but what the fuck? he told me something else. He's not lying is he? oh my god I'm so confused. He told me he broke up with her a couple weeks ago...
"Oh, so you're still with her?" jenna asks, confused, and tom slowly begins to nod. I only notice how my vision becomes a little blurred. It feels like he just rammed a stab straight into my heart. He tries to put his hand on my thigh under the table but I quickly knock it away, not wanting his dirty hand to touch me now.
"Excuse me, I'm need to use the toilet" I fake smile, stand up and feel tom's hand brushing against mine, trying to grab it but I was quick enough to pull mine away. Harrison and Jenna nodded, continuing to ask Tom about his girlfriend.
"Y/N..." Tom still tried to talk to me, but at the same time he only spoke loud enough for me to hear. I walked away, still I could feel his puppy eyes on me, but I didn't care. No, not a bit... I went straight into the toilet, looked around but it seemed like no one else was here, so I went to the big mirror, leaned on the sink and looked myself in the eyes. I didn't want to cry now, I couldn't, it would show and besides, I don't want Harrison to see me crying because he would ask me why and then I would have to come up with another lie, nor do I want Tom to see me like this because I don't begrudge him for managing to make me cry just because I fell for his stupid charm. The door opens and I quickly sniffle if I'm not even allowed to cry.
"Darling please listen..." I hear Tom's voice regretfully exclaim as the door closes behind him, but he remains standing at the door.
"Just don't..." I say with a hurt look, not wanting to hear what he has to say.
"Y/N please you don't even know what I am trying to say..." He tries again, taking a few steps towards me.
"Were you lying?" I ask, my gaze now turned to him. He purses his mouth, his eyes look up but his face remains turned in my direction. His brief hesitation alone is enough of an answer for me, so I try to push past him.
"No Y/N wait" he speaks up angrily when he sees me coming towards him to get out. When I don't stop he only gets louder.
"Fucking stop and listen Y/N !!!" he shouts, taking my wrists and pressing me against the cold wall. His hips press against mine, won't let me move while our hands are above my head. He looks down at me, angry. Angry that I don't want to listen to him. Angry because I probably wouldn't believe him anyway.
"I can't tell Harrison that I broke up with her, all right?" His hot breath through his gritted teeth breathes against my lips, making my eyes twitch up and down, again and again.
"why?" I ask just above a whisper.
"why? he would never leave us alone in a room again, knowing that I don't have a girlfriend anymore. Now we can still take advantage of that, he would never get the idea that there could be something between us, alright? Plus, he'd probably start asking questions, and then what would I answer? Yes, I broke up with her because I'd rather fuck your sister?" He explains to me and man, that's kind of hot. I mean the way his black eyes full of venom stare into my soul like he wants to lick me out- uhh I mean eat me up... nevermind.
"we haven't fucked yet when you broke up with her Thomas" I spit in his face, emphasise the 'fuck' extra hard to make it difficult for him. And it works, his eyes travel to my lips, and before I know it he's sticking his tongue down my throat, sucking off my face. I in turn do not refuse and kiss him back eagerly. His left hand moves down to my dress, slipping into my neckline and massages my left breast. Unable to hold back, I moan into his mouth.
"Tom not here" He presses his hard one against my area, making it hard for me and continues to give me sloppy hard kisses. His lips move to my neck while he fucks me clothed against the wall.
"Tom fuck- What if someone walks in?" I manage to say through my pleasure.
"let them watch" he grunts in my neck, sucking on my sweet spot. His hand, which had just been on my breast, slides out again, now searching between my legs for the end of my dress. He manages it and slips his hand under my dress into my panties.
"Tom stop- we need to go back" I say as he starts playing around in my panties. I pull all my strength together and push him away from me, not wanting anyone to see us and especially not Jenna or worse Harrison coming to look for us.
"We have to go back Thomas!" I straightened my dress, wiped away the mess he had made in my panties and washed my hands before walking back, not paying attention to whether Tom was following me.
"Hey, Y/N, have you seen Tom? He wanted to check on you" Harrison asked stupidly and unknowingly what just happened. I shook my head.
"No, haven't seen him" I lied with a smirk.
"Huh, probably jerking off in the toilet right now. That's typical for him, as soon as you start talking about Cassie, he's gone" Even though I know, or at least hope, that it's not true what harrison just said, the smirk fades from my lips and I become a little more serious again. But he was not entirely wrong. Tom came three minutes later than me with the satisfied face where we all knew, even jenna, that he had really jerked off in the toilet.
"Oh Tom" Harrison laughed, as did jenna, and I eventually had to laugh with them when I saw his fly still open.
"Whats wrong?" he asks with a smile as he takes his seat next to me again.
"Look down Tombo" I said with the nickname where I know he hates it. He looks down, sees his fly still open and blushes a bit.
"Oups" He giggled a little sheepishly. After that, the topic with Cassie was fortunately over for the time being. Harrison paid and we went to our cars since Jenna came with her own.
"I'm going to jenna's, it's weekend so Tom, take care of Y/N" Tom sticks his tongue out at me "and Y/N, we both know you're in charge" I nod to harrison and stick out my tongue to tom. The two drive away and Tom and I are still standing by our car, waving after them until they disappear into the streets.
"I'm gonna take care of you" Tom whispers seductive in my ear and smirks.
"therefore I am in charge !" I mock back with an even bigger smirk.
"we'll see about that" he says, getting into the driver's seat. I hum in response, getting in the passenger seat.
"Since we are alone, wanna go into the city?" he asks out of nowhere.
"city? it's 11 pm" I asks a little exhausted.
"Come on, it's october. How about a hot waffle, I'm sure there are still a few stores open" He wiggles his eyebrows, tries everything to get me to say yes and come on, how can you not say yes to those eyes?
"Fineee" I playfully roll my eyes and tom drives off. We may have already eaten, but a waffle always fits, right?

I'm goint to be honest with you, I was too lazy to read through again, so let me know if you see any spelling mistakes, there are certainly a lot in here.
Also let me know what you think of the story or if you think it's shitty when Harrison or Tom are so "open", like when Harrison said that Tom jerks off.
I don't know, maybe you feel uncomfortable then. And I'm sorry I'm only posting now, it's been a really exhausting week

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