Buggy now have 2 companions for his bounty hunting. He have a gunner & a helmsman now. Buggy, Burton and Jimmy discuss on their hunting schedule. They agree to take 2 weeks job, and 1 week rest periodically.
"Then, let's start tomorrow! Prepare everything you need for our hunt!"-Buggy
""Okay.""-Burton & Jimmy
Burton & Jimmy return to their home, and Buggy return to his ship. The next day, Burton & Jimmy come to the ship with their gears ready. Burton have a gun on his waist, and Jimmy have a spear on his back.
"There's a pirate ship that dock last night on the South Coast. They haven't leave, and i think they'll leave today. It's a small crew with 5 million bounty. I think they're just buying supplies, not aiming for Grandline."-Buggy
"Then, i will try to spy on them, so we won't miss it when they leave."-Burton
"Alright, Jimmy, let's prepare the ship!"-Buggy
Burton then go to the south to spy on the pirates. Buggy & Jimmy prepare the ship so it'll be ready to chase any time. They prepare the cannon & it's balls, they also check the ship if there's any problem.
After 3 hours, Burton call them and say that the pirates are making a move. Buggy & Jimmy immediately go to the south coast to pick Burton. Then when they arrive, the pirates have left the island, but their distance is still short.
Burton go up the ship, and they chase the pirate crew. With a helmsman controlling the ship, their move become a lot better and faster. They chase the pirate crew, and it didn't take long for them to get close.
The pirate crew realize they're being chased, and start to open fire. Burton also start to shoot, while Jimmy controlling the ship to avoid getting shot. Buggy is on the railing, ready to jump to the pirate ship anytime.
All Burton's shot hit the pirate ship, but the pirates only hit them a few times, and it's not fatal. They also succeed to get close to the pirate ship, so Buggy jump there alone.
""ALRIGHT!""-Burton & Jimmy
Buggy is now on the pirate ship alone, facing all 20 pirates. Buggy find his target at the back preparing revolvers. His target is 'Roulette' Joe, 5 million bounty, captain of Roulette pirates.
Buggy draw his swords, and he attack the pirates. The pirates also attack him, so Buggy use his observation haki. He dodge, parry, and counter their attacks. His fighting style focus more on speed & agility rather than strength. That's why Buggy move around in his battle to dodge, rather than stay & block.
Buggy might not need to worry about being cut. He just didn't want to just use his devil fruit ability everytime. Beside, by dodging & parrying, he can train his observation haki while fighting.
While Buggy fight with the underlings, the pirate captain, Joe got wary. He see Buggy defeat his mens easily, and soon, it will be him. So now he prepare his revolvers and point it to Buggy. Then he shoot both his revolvers at Buggy.
Buggy realize this and dodge the shot. The bullets hit a pirate, and make the other pirates surprised. However, Joe didn't care and keep shooting at Buggy.
Buggy run around the deck, and make the bullets hit the other pirates. The pirates panicked, so they start to scatter around. Buggy didn't miss this chance and attack them while evading the bullets. Soon, only Joe is left on the ship.
"Wow, thanks for helping me defeating your crew."-Buggy

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1
FanfictionThis is the Part 1 that has reached its limit of 200 chapters in Wattpad. The next chapters will be uploaded in Part 2, so please check my profile for it, thank you. ________________________ Bob is someone that hate people who praise Lord Buggy D. C...