30. Fvneel

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The Clown Pirates have an all nighter party with the Kraken family & wolf pack. They didn't succeed in their exploration, but they still celebrate it. Few people have ever step a foot on North Pole, so it's worth a celebration.

At morning, the Clown pirates prepare to leave the North Pole. They keep some meat of the giant fishes for supplies. After everything prepared, the Clown Pirates bid farewell to the Krakens & wolves.

"See you in the future, guys! Stay safe!"-Mantis

"Go find us if you need our help!"-Buggy

"How will they find us who'll keep sailing on the sea?"-Cricket sweatdrop

The Clown pirates sail away while waving their hands to the Krakens & wolves. The krakens & wolves also wave their tentacles & legs back. It just a short time, but they've found some bizarre friends.

"Where will we go now, Captain?"-Cricket

"Let's explore the remaining islands on North Blue, then we'll go to West Blue."-Buggy

The Clown pirates start their journey to explore North Blue. They'll go to some islands, habitated or uninhabited. First, they go to Lvneel, much to Cricket's annoyance. This is his home island after all, and many residents here are mocking his family, so he doesn't really like this place.

"You can stay on the ship if you want."-Buggy

"Alright, i don't want to return before i can surpass Norland."-Cricket

Buggy & Mantis then walk to the Kingdom and plan to buy supplies. They've run out of water & seasoning after their party with Krakens & Wolves. Some other supplies also emptied last night, so they need to buy a lot now.

They enter the town and it seem like a normal town. There's nothing out of ordinary here, so they start their search for supplies. They buy many things and Buggy carry them by himself. After some hours, they get all their supplies.

"Are you okay, Captain?"-Mantis

"Yeah, it's not that heavy. My splitted body's levitation ability is really useful actually. It can help me carry something heavy easier, like it reduce the weight a lot."-Buggy

To carry the big lump of their supplies, Buggy detached his upper body. He split his upper body into some parts to hold the groceries that shaped like a big ball. His head is also detached and Mantis carry it, while his legs are walking normally.

"Well, it's good that we can carry so many things at once, but the people here are freaking out."-Mantis

Mantis look at the people who are afraid of Buggy's devil fruit ability.

"Heeh, now they'll know that devil fruit is real, and not a myth. So i am actually giving them some important knowledge here, they should be thankful."-Buggy nod to himself

"If you say so."-Mantis

They continue to walk back to their ship, but then they see something. They see a small kid with chestnut hair being bullied by some teenagers that seem to be around Buggy's age. They ridicule the chestnut haired kid because he is the descendant of the infamous Norland the 'Liar'.

"So you think Norland ia a liar?"-Bugg

"Yeah, he is the biggest liar in the world."-Bully 1

Buggy levitate his head and talk to the bullies from behind. The Montblanc kid see Buggy's head fly, make him stunned & shaking in fear. The bullies didn't look back, so they don't know that Buggy levitate his head. They just become more excited seeing the Montblanc kid shaking in fear.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now