186. Not Difficult Enough

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While Magnus fights against Ronse, Palu fights another giant Rear Admiral, Lacroix. The giant uses a gigantic saber as a weapon while Palu still uses his usual Warhammer. This fight is very difficult for Palu because his enemy is just too big & tall.

'Damn, I can't find a way to make a lethal attack because he is too tall. Luckily his attacks are too slow for me so I can dodge them. I can't take his attacks recklessly, especially a swing from above. The ground isn't strong enough to hold it. Even if I can't stop it, the ground won't, and I will get buried. But I can't keep dodging, I need to attack too or this battle won't end,' thinks Palu.

Palu has spar against Magnus a few times, but he still has a hard time attacking a giant opponent. He can't just jump to attack because that will make him vulnerable. Lacroix can attack him while he jumps and he won't be able to dodge in the air.

'Just what should I do? I can only attack his feet but that won't be lethal. Hmm? Feet?' ponders Palu in his mind as he dodges a vertical attack from Lacroix.

He grins and says, "This will do."

"What are you grinning about, Winged Man? Stop dodging and fight me seriously then get defeated. It seems your 210 Million bounty isn't that big of a deal," says Lacroix.

"We have just started, so don't conclude it too fast. You will be ashamed if things don't work for you," says Palu as he blackened his Warhammer with Armament.

"Armament Haki?! So it's true that your crew's higher-ups are haki users," says Lacroix.

"Of course, we are. We've shown it many times yet you don't believe it. Don't you trust Marine's intelligence?" asks Palu while grinning.

"I believe it, but it's better to see it myself. Still, just because you can use Haki, doesn't mean you can win this fight," says Lacroix as he swings his saber from his left.

Palu smirks and gets into stance, "As I said, don't conclude it too fast."

As Lacroix's saber gets in front of him, Palu swings his Warhammer to counter it. "Hasshoken Secret Technique: Nailing Earth!"


The Warhammer hits the saber and ripples appear between them. Lacroix knows that Palu can use Hasshoken from Marine's intelligence, but he doesn't know that it's this strong. Palu has stopped his saber instantly.

The giant gets even more surprised when his saber starts to crack. He hasn't been able to use Armament Haki, so he can't harden his saber. Even so, his sword is made of strong materials and won't get damaged that easily.

*CRACK CRACK CRASH* Half of the giant saber finally crumble because of Hasshoken's vibration. Lacroix widens his eyes as he looks at his broken weapon.

"Surprised? I have more surprise for you," says Palu who has moved beside Lacroix's left foot, on the outer side.

Again, Lacroix widens his eyes as Palu swings his Warhammer to his ankle.

"Hasshoken: Ankle Breaker!"

Palu made up the name just now, it's an improvisation to match what he does. Lacroix wants to dodge, but he is too late, and he can't move that fast anyway because of his massive size.

The Warhammer hits Lacroix's left ankle and vibration ripples appear again. It is not as strong as the previous Hasshoken, but it is still strong. At least it is strong enough to crack Lacroix's ankle and the nearby bones.

"ARGH!" screams Lacroix in pain as his ankle gets destroyed.

But, not only does his ankle gets destroyed, but his left foot also gets flung to his right foot. His left foot hits his right foot and he lost his balance. Lacroix fall to the left and Palu has waited for it.

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