31. Warning

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"What do you know about Amber Lead?"-Buggy

"Amber Lead? That's the mineral that become our specialty here. Of course i know a lot about it."-Trafalgar

"Then, what if i tell you there's more to it than what you know."-Buggy

"I don't understand."-Trafalgar

"Let me be frank with you, Amber Lead is dangerous, and you guys who always get in contact with it are in mortal danger."-Buggy

"What?!"-Trafalgar get alerted

"Trafalgar, you're the best doctor here, and i think you have realized too. Since the find of Amber Lead, this city's mortality must've increased. The life expectancy also dropped with people start to die at younger age."-Buggy

Buggy tell dr. Trafalgar some effect from Amber Lead Syndrome that have happened. Trafalgar also seem surprised and shocked, he have started to realize this too, but he can't confirm it. As the best doctor, he have access to a lot of data, and start to get suspicious, but he can't really get to conclusion.

"I have a suspicioun about it already, and now i become more convinced. However, i still need to look at the data and see if everything that you've said is true."-Trafalgar

"Do what you want, i just want to warn you. And i'll tell you this, if you want to move, better move fast before the worst happen. You also need to move secretly, because if the Royals hear about it, they'll try to silence you."-Buggy

"I understand."-Trafalgar

The Clown pirates then go to the window and get ready to jump out.

"Wait! Who are you? Why did you tell me about this?"-Trafalgar

"We're pirates. As for the reason, let's say that it's just a wimp and because i know about it."-Buggy

The Clown then jump out with Buggy jump first, then Cricket jump down while carrying Mantis. They jump to the ground below, and can land safely. The 3rd floor height is nothing to them now.

After they left, some securities & policemans arrive on Trafalgar's room to capture them, but it's too late. The Clown pirates have slipped out from the hospital and are on their way to their ship. They won't stay in this place for too long and continue their journey.

"Doctor, are you alright?"-Security 1

"Yeah, they just want me to check their health."-Trafalgar

"Really? Then why don't they just use the normal procedure?"-Police 1

"They're pirates, did you think they can use the normal procedure?"-Trafalgar

"Ah, that make sense."-Police 1

"Even pirates are worried of their health, huh?"-Security 2

"Of course, the sea is dangerous and they can die anytime, so their health is very important. Luckily you guys came here, or they might try to make me their ship's doctor."-Trafalgar

"That will be bad then."-Police 2

Trafalgar lie to keep the secret of their talk just now. He know the importance of keeping it as a secret. He's smart, so he know that the Royals & Nobles must've know about this syndrome, but just kept silence, all for profit.

'I'll do what i can to save the town's people, but if i can't, then at least i'll save my family.'-Trafalgar

Meanwhile, the Clown pirates have returned to their ship. They immediately leave the island and go to their next islands. They decide to move fast and didn't stay too long on these islands.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now