16. End of Hunting

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Buggy have met Bellemere on the 40th branch. Then since that day, Buggy & co will always trade their hunt on 40th branch. Even if they're far, they'll go there because Buggy want to meet Bellemere. Jimmy & Burton can only agree because Buggy is their leader.

Their income also increase because Buggy want to meet Bellemere more often. He need to impress her, so he hunt pirates & bandits more often now. He's even willing to fight alone and let the 2 rest when they're tired to capture more pirates.

Buggy's meeting with Bellemere also raise his motivation. He train harder and getting stronger faster than usual. He get a lot stronger to the point where there's no pirate that can match him on East Blue.

He can even defeat an entire fleet of pirates that have 600 members and priced the total of 60 million beri. It happen 7 months after he met Bellemere. He still split the money evenly between the 3 of them, even though he fight alone.

~1 year after met Bellemere~

1 year have passed since Buggy met Bellemere, and this will be his last day as bounty hunter. He have amassed a lot of money for bounty hunter on East Blue. The total bounty that his team get in these 2 years is more than 1 billion beri.

Buggy & co have high target every month too. Their target is 40 million per month, and they always reach it. Burton is good at information gathering, so they always know which pirates that they'll hunt every month. Then with Jimmy's skills, they can chase their target faster.

The rising of Great Pirate Era also make the number of pirates abundance. Altough most East Blue's pirates have lower bounties, but their number is high. Buggy's team always work hard to capture pirates, they work even harder than Marine.

The key for their abundance profit is also from the pirates' wealth that they took. They know how to sell their loots with high price in blackmarket. They also sell everything that can turn into money, so their profit is really high.

Buggy's relationship with Bellemere is also good. They haven't date, but they can be said to be close friend. Buggy didn't rush things with Bellemere, they still have a lot of time. He know she want to focus on her career, and so does he.

Beside, he want to date her after he reveal his real identity. He never show her his real identity as Buggy, and she still know him as Bob. He doesn't want to keep lying to her, so he will need to reveal everything to her before they get into more serious relationship.

"I never thought that we'll go this far just in 2 years."-Jimmy

"We've worked really hard after all, even Marine seem to work slower than us."-Burton

"Well, they have many jobs, and didn't live purely from bounties like us, so their motivation is lower."-Jimmy

"Is that your personal experience when you were a marine?"-Buggy

"Yeah, most of us just want to get paid to live. Fighting with criminals can lead to death, so we need to be careful. You can only enjoy things when you're alive."-Jimmy

"Enough about that! What will you do now, Buggy? I've built my weapon shop, and Jimmy have bought a hotel."-Burton

"It's still the same, i will be a pirate."-Buggy

"But how about that girl? She's a marine, so i thought you won't be a pirate now."-Burton

"Heh, i won't stop just for a girl, even though i love her. I'll still chase my dream, because a man's dream will never end."-Buggy

"Well, if that's what you want, then we won't stop you."-Jimmy

"Yeah, just make sure you don't get yourself killed before we see your bounty poster."-Burton

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