33. Girl in A Barrel

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The Clown Pirates have defeated a Marine crew. They fled the area and now have a small celebration for their victory.

"Captain, you'll surely get a bounty now, hahaha."-Cricket

"Hahaha, then i'll take it as a souvenir from West Blue."-Buggy

"How much do you think it is?"-Mantis

"I don't know, but it will surely be over 10 million."-Buggy

"Still, robbing a Marine Ship, i never heard pirates do it like us."-Cricket

"Well, Captain Roger do it sometime when we defeat our enemies fast enough. It can reduce our cost to buy ammunitions, and sometime we even found treasures from a marine ship that have just defeated a pirate crew and take all their treasures."-Buggy

"Ooh, then we should do it more often."-Cricket

"Sure, if we have time for it."-Buggy

"Hey Cricket, why did you take handcuffs too?"-Mantis said while inspecting their loots

"Well, i thought we can use it if we need to capture someone."-Cricket

"We are pirates, not marines, we won't capture anyone."-Mantis


Buggy check the handcuffs and try to touch them one by one. When he touch one of the handcuff, he suddenly feel very weak. He check the others and didn't get weakenes, he only get weakened by one handcuff.

"They have a seastone handcuff, huh? Good."-Buggy grin


"Yeah, a very strong mineral that can nullify a devil fruit power upon contact with the user."-Buggy

""What?!""-Cricket & Mantis

Buggy then explain to them about seastone briefly. He tell them about seastone's value and ask them to collect any seastone items that they find in the future. The 2 understand it and will make sure to collect any seastone item that they find.

Buggy then close the seastone handcuff and save the key. He cover the seastone handcuff with a cloth and take it to his room. This seastone is really useful for him, he will use it for training. He's hoping to gain more from his training in weakened state by seastone.

There's no such thing as devil fruit user being immune from seastone's effect, but he will make sure that he's not so powerless if he is touched by seastone. He remember Luffy gain a lot of muscle in Udon while working and wearing seastone handcuff. Buggy will try it and he hope that it will work.

The Clown Pirates continue their journey to North Pole. They reach it at night, so they decide to rest first before resuming their journey. They sleep, and wake up in the morning. They don't even need to call the Krakens because the giant octopuses have come out on their own.

"You know that we're here, huh?"-Buggy asked, and the Kraken nod

The kraken then throw some giant fishes on the ground.

"Alright, alright, we know what you wanted."-Mantis

Mantis then start to cook the giant fishes for the Krakens & the pirates.

"Krakens, actually we came here to meet you and ask for your help."-Buggy

"Rawr?"-Kraken Dad

"Yeah, we want to ask you to help us cross to West Blue through Calm Belt & Grandline."-Buggy

Buggy then explain about how they'll cross to West Blue from here. The Krakens nods in understanding, then they all agree to help, they all want to help.

"I just need one, no need for every one of you to go with us."-Buggy

The Krakens then start to get into an arguments on who will help the Clown Pirates to cross. Their arguments got heated up and they even start to fight. Buggy is dumbfounded seeing this. The Kraken dad, mom, 2 sons, and a daughter are fighting.


The Krakens stop fighting and look at Buggy.

"Sigh, you guys are family, so don't fight like that! I know what you guys really want, it's to get a good food as a reward right?"-Buggy

The Krakens look away in embarassment and scratch their head.

"Alright, here's the thing, i need someone who have big mouth and can put the ship in it."-Buggy

The Krakens then look at each other and open their mouth as big as they can. Then the winner is the Kraken Big Brother. He is the biggest one on here after all, in fact, he is almost twice the size of the other krakens. Buggy have a feeling that this Kraken Big Brother is the one that become Luffy's friend (pet).

"Alright, we'll go with Kraken Big Brother. Don't worry though, you will still get some good meals from Mantis."-Buggy

The other Krakens are disappointed, but they're still satisfied with the food. They have a big breakfast meal together before the pirates leave with Kraken Big Brother. The Kraken can't swim on the surface, so they'll meet near the Red Line & Calm Belt, the corner of North Blue.

On their way to the meeting location, they find a floating wood barrel with someone in it. It's a girl that seem to be around Mantis age, 20 y.o. The girl seem happy when she see their ship and wave her hands. But then she pause after knowing that it's a pirate ship. She try to move her barrel away, but she don't have anything to help her move it like a row.

"Why's she sailing with a barrel?"-Cricket

"She must be a wrecked ship survivor or something, help her up!"-Buggy

The pirates then take the barrel up to save the girl. However, the girl refuse to come out from the barrel. She doesn't want to come out because she's afraid of them. She said that pirates are cruel and they might 'eat' her later.

"Eat you? How will we 'eat' you?"-Cricket grin mischievously

"Y-you wil p-put me in a boiling water with some seasoning to make me a soup, or maybe you will fry me or roast me, then you will eat me while drinking your booze."-The girl said in frightened voice

""Huh?""-The Clown Pirates have dark expression

"Who told you that?"-Buggy

"M-my Papa."-Girl

"Did he told you in detail like that?"-Cricket

"N-no, he just told me that pirates & boys are like wolves, and they will eat me. If you wanna eat me, you need to cook me aftet all."-Girl

'S-she doesn't understand it.'-Clown pirates

The pirates then decide to leave her alone and let her come out on her own later. Mantis also cook something, because she know the girl must be hungry. Then Mantis offer the food to the girl, and the girl's stomach growl.


"Eat it! You haven't eat for some time right?"-Mantis

"N-no, i don't eat food from pirate."-Girl said from inside the barrel

"E-A-T!"-Mantis said with scary voice

"YES!"-The girl is scared and immediately come out from the barrel to take the plate

The girl eat the food inside the barrel and finish it fast. Then she take her head out and thank Mantis for the food. She also praise Mantis' food and say that it's the best food that she ever taste.

"So, what happen to you? Why did you float around in a barrel like that?"-Mantis

"W-well...."-The girl look at Buggy & Cricket warily

"Can you guys leave us for a moment?"-Mantis

"Hey, i am the Cap-"-Buggy

"L-E-A-V-E!"-Mantis said with scary expression

""Yes, ma'am!""-Buggy & Cricket salute

Buggy & Cricket then leave the main deck hastily. Buggy go to the rear deck, while Cricket go to the crow nest. Then after they leave, the girl start to te Mantis her story.

"M-My name is Ariella Jude, and the story happen 2 days ago."-Jude

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