43. Weapons That Ate Devil Fruits

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Buggy finds out that the 2 kopis swords have eaten devil fruit. Although he won't know what kind of devil fruit.

"Captain, I think you need to see this."-Jude

Jude approaches Buggy with one of the books that they get from the crate. Buggy take the book and read the page that Jude point to him.

The book is the research journal of the one who has these treasures. It is stated in the book that the kopis swords really ate devil fruits.

"The black hilt sword ate Hard Hard Fruit, while the white hilt sword ate Press Press Fruit."-Buggy

The Hard Hard Fruit is just like what the name suggests. It hardened the user's body to a high degree, like how Armament haki hardening works. But this fruit's hardening should have more potential than armament haki.

"Damn, if this ability is combined with armament, then it can withstand a very strong attack."-Buggy

As for Press Press Fruit, it has the power to press everything it touches. But it can only press something that gets in contact with it.

Both devil fruits are paramecia, and they're good abilities. The problem is the one who create & research these swords couldn't use the devil fruit's ability.

Different from weapons with zoan devil fruits, these swords didn't get 'life' like those animals. Mr. 4's cannon become a dog, while Spandam's sword becomes an elephant.

Their weapons basically turn alive as animals because they 'ate' zoan devil fruits. But paramecia isn't a power of living being like animals, so they didn't get a life.

"So he couldn't command the swords to use their devil fruit power, huh? But just now, I can feel the devil fruit inside them, and I can feel their 'soul'. Is it because I use haki? Or because I am a devil fruit user myself?"-Buggy

Buggy tries to think of the reason, but he can't find it.

"Hmm, this is an interesting problem, I will try to find the answer slowly."-Buggy

Buggy read through the journal again to find out the date. He find it after some time, and it's actually 71 years ago, 69 years before Great Pirate Era.

"This guy was a genius, he find the method for weapons to eat devil fruit at that age. He might be as smart as Vegapunk, but I never heard of his name."-Buggy

It's actually not strange for a big genius like this researcher to disappear from history. People like this are a big threat for WG, so except they get on WG's side, they'll get eliminated. If Vegapunk didn't join WG's side, he'll end up the same as this researcher, untold in history.

"Hmm, so this guy gets all the money from underground forces. He sold his research to many organizations to gain money. That way, he could have these organizations protect him, smart."-Buggy

The research about weapons that eat devil fruit was his best research. This was also the only thing that he never sold because he knew it would put the world in danger. He doesn't even write the process, to avoid it leaking.

"I don't understand this guy. He sold dangerous research that can endanger many lives, but he didn't sell this one because he thought it would endanger people?"-Buggy

"Maybe because the impact from this thing was too big."-Jude

"It's possible, but I think it's because he knew that WG will go after him if this method gets known. No one can protect him if that happens."-Buggy

"Ooh, so that's why he hide the result. Hm? But why doesn't he just destroy it? And also, why'd he hide it with all of these?"-Mantis

"He wrote that he couldn't destroy his greatest masterpiece, so he hid it. He place it with all his wealth because he was dying. Rather than destroying them, he wants to pass it to lucky people."-Buggy

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