The Clown Pirates continue their way to North Pole. Temperature keep dropping as they get closer to their destination. Ice blocks also keep increasing on the water as they go further.
It geting harder to find the route between the ice chunks. The ice chunks make the route looks like a maze made of ice. They even need to break some ices that block their way. Luckily, their newly purchased clothes can keep them warm and safe.
It takes some hours for them to finally reach the land. Altough it's not clear wether it's actually land or just a very very thick & wide ice block. They drop the anchor and prepare to explore the Arctic.
"What is that, Captain?"-Mantis see Buggy carry a box
"Hehehe, this is the reason why i came here."-Buggy
Buggy open the box and inside it, is a thermometer, papers, pen and camera.
"What are those things for?"-Cricket
"These are tools for measuring the temperature on North Pole. I will measure temperatures on many spots and note them all to find the lowest temperature. The camera is for capturing picture of every measurment as a proof."-Buggy grin
"Why did you need to do that?"-Mantis
"So i can proof to Shanks that the North Pole is colder than South Pole, HAHAHA."-Buggy
"Who's Shanks?"-Cricket
"My fellow apprentice on Roger Pirates."-Buggy
"Oh. ..... WAIT! ROGER PIRATES?"-Mantis
"Yeah, haven't i told you?"-Buggy
""NO.""-Cricket & Mantis
"Well, sorry about that, it's not really a big deal anyway."-Buggy
""IT'S A BIG DEAL!""-Cricket & Mantis
"Huh? What's the big deal? I'm just an apprentice there, not an officer."-Buggy
"It's a big deal, Captain. You're still the crew member of the legendary Pirate King you know. The first crew that have conquered Grandline."-Mantis
"Then that means you've went to that last island, Laugh Tale right?"-Cricket
"You need to tell us the story!"-Mantis
Cricket & Mantis get very excited and lean to Buggy, make him take a step back.
"Wait! Wait! Wait! I know you guys are excited, but we can't talk about the story of my apprentice life in here."-Buggy
"Fine, but you need to tell us later!"-Mantis
"Alright, alright."-Buggy
The Clown Pirates leave the topic about Buggy's apprenticeship and start their exploration. They get off the ship and walk on the land of ice & snow. There's no road or any building here, just ice and snow.
Because there isn't any building here, they need to bring their own building, aka tent. They put their camping tools and supplies on a sled. Then they pull the slide, Cricket pull the slide.
"We should have bought or caught a reindeer on Whiteland to pull this sled."-Cricket
"We forgot about that, so there's no choice now. Let's see if we can find any animal that can pull our sled later."-Buggy
"You want to catch wild animal?"-Mantis
"Yeah, if we can tame it, we can make it pull our sled."-Buggy

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1
FanfictionThis is the Part 1 that has reached its limit of 200 chapters in Wattpad. The next chapters will be uploaded in Part 2, so please check my profile for it, thank you. ________________________ Bob is someone that hate people who praise Lord Buggy D. C...