38. Mysterious Cave

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Buggy & Cricket enter the mysterious cave and turn their flashlight on. They also keep using their observation haki for any danger. The cave's size is around 3 meters high and 4 meters wide, pretty normal for a cave.

They walk into the cave while observing their surrounding for danger. They didn't find any danger and keep walking for half an hour. After half an hour, they find a very big room that has a lake in it.

"This place must be connected with the sea."-Buggy

"Captain, look! There's something in there."-Cricket point at the left side of the room

Buggy looks at it and sees a big old crate placed on a stone table. There's also a coffin beside the crate that looks very old too.


"Hehehe, let's take it, Captain."-Cricket

"Wait! Something is not right, let's wait for a moment!"-Buggy

"What did you want to wait, Captain? Do you really believe those people's stories? I think the people here are exaggerating this cave's story."-Cricket

"No, if it's just the people, then I will think like that too, but that tiger is a different story. Animals can sense danger better than humans, so if that tiger is afraid, then there must be a danger in here."-Buggy

"But what? We haven't found anything except that crate & cof-."-Cricket

Cricket can't finish his words because Buggy suddenly pulls him back. Buggy sense something in the water that alert him. Buggy immediately pulls Cricket back and hide while looking at the lake.

Then suddenly, something come out of the lake, and it surprised them. The thing that comes out from the lake is a giant snake that has green scales. The snake crawls up to the ground and curls near the crate & coffin.

"So this is the 'demon' in this cave?"-Buggy whisper

"It's more of a monster rather than a demon. What should we do, Captain? It seems to guard the crate."-Cricket whisper

"Hmm, I don't know what's inside that crate, but we're not pirates if we don't take it. That might be a big treasure after all."-Buggy whisper

"But that snake is guarding the crate & coffin."-Cricket

"Let's try to distract it, Cricket, you will be the bait!"-Buggy

"Huh? Why should I become the bait?"-Cricket protest

"Of course you should, I am the captain you know."-Buggy

"Don't abuse your authority, Captain Bastard!"-Cricket raise his voice a little

"You're the bastard in here, how dare you to talk like that to your captain?"-Buggy also raise his voice a little


"I'M NOT ABUSING ANYTHING."-Buggy also yell

They start to brawl with each other, completely forget about their current situation.

"HISSS!"-The snake gets alerted and look at them

""Ah.""-Buggy & Cricket stop their brawl and look at the snake

The snake slithered to them, and they run back panicky to the cave entrance. However, the snake fits perfectly in the cave and keeps chasing them.




Buggy & Cricket throw their Muggy Balls to the snake. The balls explode on the snake's mouth, but it didn't get injured at all.

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