151. Adam Wood

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The next day after they held a party, the Clown explore the island again. It will take a week for the log pose to be set, so they need to enjoy their time. Manba guards the ship today, so Enel can explore the island too.

The Clowns are very famous, or rather, infamous here. People have recognized them now and feared them because of their bounties. Such bounties are very high for pirates in Paradise.

Even pirates with bounties close to 100 million are considered to be very dangerous, not to mention them who have a Captian with 500 million on his head. The people here have never seen someone with such a bounty before, so they're very afraid of Buggy now.

But some people are seeing this as a chance. Those people are bounty hunters and other pirates. They have different purposes, but they know they can achieve those by defeating the Clowns.

The bounty hunters here are far stronger than the previous island as the pirates who reached this place are also strong. So they're confident they can defeat Buggy who they also know to have defeated Kizaru.

As for the pirates, they wanted to raise their names by defeating the Clowns. They can also get the Clowns' treasures if they can defeat Buggy & co. A crew with such high bounties must have a lot of treasures.

That's why they target & attack the Clowns who move separately. Luckily, Buggy has anticipated this and made the weaker members move with the stronger ones. It's just Ruff though because the others can protect themselves.

Their days start to become busy since pirates & bounty hunters started to attack them. On one side, it's a good exercise, but on another side, it's disturbing. The pirates & bounty hunters are persistent even though the Clowns have defeated a lot of them.

Buggy allowed his crew to kill these bounty hunters & pirates. But everyone knows that just because they're allowed, doesn't mean they are ordered. They aren't fans of killing people if it's not needed, so they just beat the enemies up very badly.

Those guys don't just target them, but also their ship because they want to rob it. Buggy even needs to put 2 people as ship guards every day to protect the ship. Their treasures are important because they need to make a new ship.

Speaking of ship, on the 4th day of their stay, the Clowns get a piece of good news. An Adam Wood will be auctioned on this island in 5 days. That means 9 days since they arrived here.

Their log pose is set in a week, so there are 2 days more to stay. But that's not a problem because Adam Wood is more important than some stupid people's disturbance. Those bounty hunters & pirates are just free training partners for the Clowns.

This Wood is also big, and Palu said it's enough to make their new ship, so they can't miss it. It might not appear again soon and they might need to wait for months. Adam Wood with a big size like this is rare, after all.

They wait for the 9th day to come while keep being attacked by the bounty hunters & pirates. Then on the 6th day, Buggy starts to use the enemies to train Ruff. They are strong opponents for Ruff, so it's perfect for his training.

It's also a perfect chance for Ruff to test his weapons. He has made some new weapons and upgraded the old ones. They're still strange though, like a slippery pistol, corrosive ball, dizzy gas ball, 20 sections staff, and even cockroaches ball like Usopp's.

'He will really get along with Usopp if they meet,' thinks Buggy.

Buggy still watches over Ruff's fights though and will save him if it becomes too dangerous. Ruff fights every day since then and it raises his battle abilities. He fights using his weapons and often used the run & hit tactic, but that's not a problem as long as he can find a way to win.

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