66. Raised Bounties

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The Clown Pirates have arrived on South Blue. They immediately leave the port and go to explore South Blue. This will be the last sea that they'll explore before going to Grandline.

"South Blue, what have you prepared for us? I can't wait," says Buggy while looking at the vast sea on the front railing and smiling widely.

"Where will we go, Captain?" asks Jude.

"Let's fulfill our promise to Dina & Robin first. Let's go to Hems Island," says Buggy.

Jude nod and set the course to Hems Island. It's a small island near the Calm Belt and only has a small village on it. It will take a day for them to reach it from the Crossing Port.

While sailing there, Buggy train the Hasshoken that he got from Chinjao. The battle with Ley also gave him more understanding of it.

It's still imperfect, but he will keep improving it. Just imagining him using Hasshoken from all his split body parts has made him excited.

He can also try to modify it so that he can use it with his weapon. His crew will also get stronger by learning this martial art. Hasshoken is a high-level martial art, so it will be very useful.

Buggy's crewmates also started to recover. Jude & Mantis can do normal activities now even with some bandages. It's only Cricket who still can't do normal activities. His injuries are quite bad and he hasn't recovered a lot.

Cricket really pushed himself in his battle. He is the First Mate, just 2nd in command after Buggy in this crew. He knows the crew will depend on him when Buggy's hands are full.

So he need to be strong, that's why he pushed himself that much. And it has been paid off to him, he can use armament haki hardening now. It's still weak, but that can be trained to be stronger. The difficult part is to activate it for the first time.

Cricket has activated his armament haki, while Mantis activated her observation haki. They've trained for a few weeks already now, so it's about time for them to activate their haki.

Jude hasn't touched a glimpse of haki power at all. She has just trained for a few days when she got her devil fruit. So now she is focused on training her devil fruit and put aside her haki training.

Buggy also trains Robin a little about devil fruit. She has also just eaten her fruit, so she doesn't have much experience with it. Buggy teaches her some important things that she needs to know.

On their way to Hems Island, they encounter a Marine unit. Buggy gets ready to fight the unit alone because his crewmates aren't in good shape. But he gets dumbfounded when the Marine unit leaves and runs away from them.

"What the heck? I have never seen a Marine unit is running away from a pirate crew," says Buggy.

"Maybe they're in bad conditions too, so they avoid confrontation," says Jude.

"Hmm, it's possible. Well, let them be, let's focus on our task," says Buggy.

The Clown Pirates focus on their sailing to Hems Island. They don't think much about the previous Marine Unit. But then they find out why that unit run away after Dina buy a newspaper from a news coo.

"Captain-san, you guys get some new bounties. Come check them out!" Dina calls the others.

Buggy & co come to the main deck and check the new posters. There are 2 posters of Buggy and Cricket.

Buggy 'The Clown': 100 million

Montblanc 'Chestnut' Cricket: 35 million

"Only Captain and Cricket? Where are mine & Jude's bounty posters?" asks Mantis.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now