Buggy won his battle, and Bass is unconscious now. Buggy tie Bass with a rope and make sure Bass can't move. Then Buggy go to find Jimmy & Burton, but they already walk toward him with Bill being pulled on the ground.
Jimmy & Burton won their fight easier than Buggy. Jimmy made Bill busy in close combat whil Burton shot at Bill. Bill tried to get away, but Jimmy could always stop him and gave Burton chances to shot.
Bill thought he have a chance to fight these 2 together, but he's wrong. Bill was strong, even stronger Jimmy, but with Burton's shooting, he couldn't do anything. In the end, Bill fell from all the bullets in his body, and Jimmy wounded him even further by stabbing his spear on Bill's right chest.
Jimmy & Burton actually finished their battle when Buggy was dodging the flying swords. However, they decide to stay away, because they get wary seeing Buggy who didn't need to worry about slash attack avoid the swords. So it must be dangerous, and they might just hold Buggy down.
"You do the right thing. That black aura from him is able to rot any flesh that come in contact with it at visible rate."-Buggy
"T-that's scary."-Burton
"It is, but forget about that! We need to tie all of them now. Marine will give bonus if we capture all of these guys. There are hundreds of them after all."-Buggy
Marine have a rule to give bonus reward for bounty hunters who capture more than 100 pirates from a crew even if they don't have bounty. It's hard to fight hundreds of mens, so they give some bonus reward. It's not much, just 1 million per 100 mens, but money is money.
"There are 500, so we can get 5 million bonus, sweet!"-Burton
"Plus with the 50 million, it will be 55 million. Then there are a lot of treasures too in here, i don't know how much though."-Jimmy
"My estimation is there are at least 20 million worth of treasures & money here."-Buggy
"Woah, that's a lot of treasures."-Burton
"Yeah, but considering their numbers, it's normal actually."-Buggy
"Hmm, that's right."-Jimmy
The 3 then tie all the pirates and take them to the last pirate ship. Some pirates that survived surrender and didn't dare to fight back after seeing Buggy & co's power. Buggy even order them to help tying & transporting their comrades, and they can only follow his order.
With the pirates' help, the work finished faster. Then they tie their ship that have smaller size to the back of big ship. They pull their small ship while sailing to the nearest marine base. Of course they've stored all the most valuable things in their small ship.
It take 5 hours for them to reach the Marine Base. It's the 40th Branch, a base near Oykot Kingdom. The Marine base isn't that big, just like all Marine base on East Blue.
Before reaching the Marine base, Buggy disguise himself like usual. He pluck his nose and cut off his left hand. Then he put them in a safe box in their ship. This is his disguise with the alias Bob the Bounty Hunter.
When they get close to the island, the Marines got alerted and point weapons at them. Well, they use a pirate ship and didn't even rip the flag yet. Buggy then come forward and show himself with his hands raised.
"B-Bob? From the 3 Clovers?"-Marine A
"His face look familiar, it really seem to be him."-Marine B
"But how can we be sure of it?"-Marine C

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1
FanfictionThis is the Part 1 that has reached its limit of 200 chapters in Wattpad. The next chapters will be uploaded in Part 2, so please check my profile for it, thank you. ________________________ Bob is someone that hate people who praise Lord Buggy D. C...