Buggy & Cricket have won their battle with the Red Axe Gang. Buggy is now laying on the ground and can't move because of the paralysis poison. Mantis is sitting beside him, and they talk while waiting for Cricket to come.
"Thank you, for helping me."-Mantis
"We're not helping you, we do it for ourselves."-Buggy
"I know, but it still help me in a way."-Mantis
"Then, if you're really grateful, how about you join our crew?"-Buggy
"This thing again, i've told you i can't, i have important thing to do?"-
"What is it? Your debt? You can consider it to paid off already."-Buggy
"No, it's the restaurant. I need to stay here and keep my parents' restaurant safe. I've lost them, and the only thing that i have from them is that restaurant."-Mantis
"Will your parents be happy with that? Did you think a restaurant is more important than their daughter's life?"-Buggy
"You don't understand. That restaurant is also my home, i can't leave it like this."-Mantis
".... Did you have a dream, Mantis?"-Buggy
"Yeah, i want to learn cooking from all over the world. My parents also have the same dream and have explore North Blue, but they couldn't went to the other seas because they have me at that time."-Mantis' eyes are glittering and she smile excitedly when talking about her dream
"Then, isn't it the more reason why you need to leave? It's not only your dream, but your parents' dream too. Don't you want to make them happy by finishing their dream?"-Buggy
"I want, but...."-Mantis
"You know Mantis, i have a dream too. I want to explore the world and discover it's mysteries. So don't you think that we can help each other to reach our dream?"-Buggy
"But i can't leave my home, it's everything that my parents' left for me."-Mantis
"That's where you're wrong."-Cricket
Cricket have arrived with a lot of cuts from his fight.
"Your parents didn't only left the restaurant, but they also left you. You're their biggest treasure, and they even willing to gave up their dream for you."-Cricket
Mantis look down and didn't say anything. She know all of it, they didn't have to tell her about it. It's just that she feel responsible to take care of her parents' restaurant.
"If you feel responsible for it, then you need to make it bigger and prosper. If you just stay here, your restaurant will never grow."-Cricket
"Yeah, he's right, and you can always return anytime in the future."-Buggy
Mantis didn't say anything and just look at the ground. Buggy know she really want to go, but she think too much about her restaurant. Buggy & Cricket didn't say anything more, and just stay there. Then soon, the poison in Buggy's body have been neutralized, so he can move again.
"What should we do now, Captain?"-Cricket
"What else? We take our loots."-Buggy grin
"Just what i have in my mind."-Cricket grin too
"You still want to loot them now?"-Mantis
"Hey, we are pirates, we live from looting our enemies & treasure hunting."-Buggy
Buggy & Cricket then go to the Mafia's base. Mantis sigh and follow them, she want to know what they'll do.
"Wait! We can't waste all source of income."-Buggy

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1
FanfictionThis is the Part 1 that has reached its limit of 200 chapters in Wattpad. The next chapters will be uploaded in Part 2, so please check my profile for it, thank you. ________________________ Bob is someone that hate people who praise Lord Buggy D. C...