18. Rubeck Island

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Buggy finally get his First Mate, Mont Blanc Cricket. The guy is strong, and he have high potential. If Cricket didn't stop on Jaya and continue to sail on Grandline, he might be a big Pirate.

Buggy can think like that because Norland have reached the New World and become Tontatta's hero, so he must be strong. Cricket as Norland's descendant must have high potential to be strong too. Beside, even if he doesn't have it, Buggy will help him to grow strong together.

"So, where will we go after this?"-Cricket

"Our first priority will be to find a Navigator. We need a good navigator, and by good i mean really good. If we don't have good navigator, we will die on Grandline."-Buggy

"Grandline, huh? People say that place is scary, i wonder just how scary it is."-Cricket

"You will find out in the future, there's no fun on telling you everything."-Buggy

"You've gone to Grandline?"-Cricket

"Yeah, and i'll just tell you this, Grandline is beyond your reason & logic."-Buggy

"Now i'm really curious."-Cricket

Buggy & Cricket then go to find a navigator for their crew. It's not easy to find a good navigator that didn't have affiliation to any organization. Usually big organizations will train people to be navigator, and people who are interested will join those organization that have resources.

"Cricket, if you find an interesting individual, tell me about them."-Buggy

"You want to recruit them?"-Cricket

"Maybe, if i like them, i'll recruit them."-Buggy

"Hmm, what roles that you want to get on the crew?"-Cricket

"Navigator, Cheff, and Doctor are the most important. Then we will need Helmsman, & Shipwright. I want all of them to be able to fight, because being pirate is dangerous. I also want specialist like Sniper, swordsman, or other combat specialist. Also a musician."-Buggy


"Yeah, so we can have a merry party."-Buggy smile

"Then we'll need some musicians."-Cricket smirk

"Hmm, you're right."-Buggy

""HAHAHAHA.""-Buggy & Cricket

They continue their sail while discussing of their crew's plan. For now Buggy want to explore North Blue, and Cricket agree. Their destination will be North Pole, and they'll transit on some islands to find Navigator or other crewmates.

Buggy & Cricket arrive on Rubeck Island, which is close to Swallow Island. They explore the island to find any potential member, but didn't find anyone. Instead of a new member, they find a pirate crew that made a base there.

"A pirate base, huh? They must have treasures in there. Let's get them!"-Buggy

"Just the 2 of us?"-Cricket

"Of course, or maybe you're afraid?"-Buggy

"Hah, i just didn't want you to die, but fine. Let's destroy them."-Cricket

Buggy & Cricket then walk to the pirate base and some people stop them.

"Oi you, this is Bronze Pirates base, if you love your life, then leave!"-Pirate Guard A

"Bronze Pirate? Never heard of them."-Buggy

"You're from East Blue, so you don't know them. Their Captain is worth 15 million, and the vice-captain is 5 million."-Cricket

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