22. Trechery or Smart Strategy?

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Buggy take the case that Wisco threw back to them and give it to Mantis.

"Keep it for me!"-Buggy

"What are you-"-Mantis

"Finishing what we've started."-Buggy

Buggy & Cricket then walk forward to the thugs & mafias. Buggy draw his shortswords, while Cricket take out his flintlocks. The mafias also start to take out their axes, while the thugs take out their iron & wooden bats.

"Take care of those little thugs, i'll take care of these people in good clothes!"-Buggy

"Aye aye!"-Cricket

Cricket didn't need any other command, and he start to shoot. The thugs got startled and they scatter around to avoid the bullets.

"What's wrong? You're afraid of bullets? Then you shouldn't mess with pirates!"-Cricket grin widely

While Cricket is playing around with the thugs, Buggy is facing the Axe group. He grin and rush to the group without any fear. Mantis is worried about Buggy who rush like that, and look in horror as an axe cut him in half. But then, her jaw drop in shock when Buggy's half body start to move.

"Just what is he?"-Mantis

The mafias are surprised too, and Buggy use this chance to attack them. He use his favourite sword spinning attack to cut them down.

"Split Split Double Saw!"-Buggy

The Double Saw attack cut down the mafias one by one. While those who try to attack Buggy from close range get kicked and elbowed by Buggy. Their axes are useless, so they try using their fists, but Buggy can dodge and split his body to avoid the attacks.

Buggy didn't have any difficulties and win his battle fast. Cricket also win after some rounds of shooting. Those thugs are not so tough, and only have good backing behind them. Now, only Wisco & Pecco are left, so Buggy & Cricket approach them.


Wisco's big dog suddenly bark loudly and attack Buggy. Buggy just detached his right hand to punch the dog's jaw from below, knocking it out.

"You trained your dog well, but you shouldn't ride a dog! Don't you have horses? I bet you do, but just can't ride it."-Buggy approach Wisco

"W-w-what do you want to do?"-Wisco hide behind Pecco, and both of them are trembling

"What do you think?"-Buggy grin creepily, and Cricket also follow suit

"M-my d-dad won't forgive you if s-something happen to me."-Wisco

"Ooh, how scary~. But you shouldn't threaten someone whil hiding like that."-Cricket grab Pecco and pull him away, so Wisco isn't protected anymore now

"HIII, DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!"-Wico panicked when Buggy crouch in front of him

"If he want to come, then let him come! I will beat him up too."-Buggy grab Wisco's head

"If he can come before you become a pulp, then maybe i'll stop."-Buggy grin sadistically

Buggy then hit Wisco's face multiple times, and Cricket also hit Pecco. Both Wisco & Pecco try to fight back, but they can't. Buggy & Cricket are just too strong for them. They also rarely feel pain like this, so they're more focus on their pain rather than fighting back.

"Bring them back! And tell his father, that if he don't like what i did to his son, then come here with all he got!"-Buggy throw Wisco to his mens that still conscious

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now