Buggy is excited to know that there are pirates too on Cloud Seas. Well, the sky also has its own seas, so the sailor types must be similar to the Blue Seas. Although there shouldn't be Marine here and the authorities are just Sky Islands' militaries.
"Are there many of them?" asks Buggy.
"Yes, if we count all pirates on all Cloud Seas. They are far fewer than Blue Seas' pirates, but their number is high enough. They usually do their piracy activities on the routes that Blue Sea People," says Surian.
"So they are targetting Blue Sea people who haven't used to this altitude and don't know anything about this place, huh?" asks Buggy.
"You are right, the change of altitude will weaken the Blue Sea people, so they are easy targets for those pirates," says Soconut.
"They don't target the Sky People?" asks Palu.
"No, they don't dare to do that because we will eradicate them if they do that. Besides, they also live on Sky Islands, so they can't attack us or they will need to live on Cloud Sea forever," says Soconut.
"Hmm, that makes sense. Their lives still depend on the Sky Island, so they can't do something that angers the people here," says Ruff.
"Exactly," says Surian while nodding.
"I assume none of these pirates have any bounty, right?" asks Buggy.
"No, they aren't a threat to us, and they even helped us by attacking pirates from Blue Sea that might endanger the citizens. But their piracy activities also create problems sometimes. They don't just attack pirates, but also merchants and tourists from Blue Sea that might want to buy or sell items here," says Soconut.
"That's why we've made a deal with them to only attack pirates. Our economy won't grow if they keep attacking merchants or tourists," says Surian.
"And they agreed easily?" asks Palu.
"Well, we used a little threat, so they agreed," says Surian.
"Do you know the strongest crew around here?" asks Buggy.
"Hmm, it should be the Half-Wings. They've operated for the longest time and have the biggest number. I think they have around 64 people," says Soconut.
"What are you planning to do?" asks Surian warily.
"Who knows? You said they just target pirates, right? So maybe they'll attack us too. You don't have any problem if we fight back, right?" asks Buggy while grinning.
"Well, if that's the case then, of course, you can fight them back. But I hope you don't attack them first. They are also assets to us because they protected us from pirates," says Surian.
"Just pray that they won't provoke us," says Palu while smirking.
Soon, Sapple returns with some papers in his hands. He gives the papers to Palu before he sits.
"I've found a baby with your characteristics who went missing 26 years ago, a few months after his birth. Those papers are the documents of the baby's missing reports and his family's profiles. I hope it's you and your parents," says Sapple.
"What's the reason for his missing?" asks Buggy.
"Kidnapping. A pirate crew came here and kidnapped the baby. We assumed that they wanted to sell the baby because of our unique features, the wings," says Sapple.
Palu's hands shake as he reads and looks at the documents & photos. Buggy & Ruff also look at the documents and see that the baby is very similar to Palu.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1
FanfictionThis is the Part 1 that has reached its limit of 200 chapters in Wattpad. The next chapters will be uploaded in Part 2, so please check my profile for it, thank you. ________________________ Bob is someone that hate people who praise Lord Buggy D. C...